Pizza Delivery | Peter Parker [TM]

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"Sure," you said.

Mr. Aziz smacked a hand against the counter. "___! Change of plans. Jim is gonna deliver to Sixth. You're delivering downtown on Corner Avenue."

Your heart filled with dread. "Oh."

Peter gaped. "You can't make her go there! It's dangerous. Do you know how many women get targeted easily there? There have been twenty muggings this week alone-"

"Then she should be fine," Mr. Aziz said. "I'm sure the muggers have gotten their fill of robbing people by now. Get going, ___. Twenty minutes." He glared at Peter. "And I thought I fired you."

You swallowed and looked at Peter. Picking up the pizza and your helmet, you offered him a nervous smile. "I'll see you, Peter."

He didn't reply as he watched you go. He was horrified that you were forced to deliver pizza to a neighborhood that terrible. Usually he would take that area, considering he was Spider-Man, but now he couldn't taken the burden from you.

"Parker! Out."

Peter snapped out of his thoughts and rushed out of the restaurant. If he wasn't allowed to deliver the pizza for you, he'd at least walk behind you and make sure you got there safely.

He walked all the way. He was eager to dress up in his suit and follow you as Spider-Man, but he didn't want to waste even a minute to get to you. Even a moment lost could mean the difference between saving you and letting something horrible happen to you.

He turned onto Corner Avenue and saw you walking a few feet ahead. He made sure to keep his footsteps light just in case he had to switch to his Spider-Man suit. He didn't want you to question where he had gone the moment Spider-Man appeared.

You turned a corner and he sped up a little, panicked when he couldn't see you anymore. His heart dropped when he heard a new deep voice break the silence.

"Hey, sweetheart," the man said. "What you doing here alone?"

"Leave me alone," you said.

"Come on, gorgeous..."

Peter turned the corner to see a tall man standing in front of you. He had a creepy smirk on his face. You tried to step to the side and go around him, but his arm shot out and he suddenly pinned you to the wall.

"Stop!" you screamed, kneeing him. "Don't touch me!"

Peter was running. "Hey! Get off of her!"

The man stumbled backwards. He looked furious as he turned to Peter. Slowly, you sank to the ground, panicked breaths bursting out of you.

"Just back away from her, man," he threatened lightly. "She doesn't want you to touch her."

"Yeah? Kid, I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into."

"You're wrong. I do know. I'm getting myself into a lot of trouble because I'm not going to let you harass a friend of mine."

The man snickered and cracked his knuckles. "Alright, kid. Let's do this then."

You looked at Peter with wide eyes. "Peter!"

He didn't back away, he didn't even look scared. You couldn't comprehend what he was thinking. You got on your feet.

The man threw the first punch. Peter dodged it without struggle and swept a leg out. It knocked the guy off his feet and onto his back.

Peter almost smiled before the man dug in his pockets, mostly surprised by the outcome of the fight already, and pulled out a pocket knife. He angrily swiped it at Peter's legs.

Peter jumped up on the brick wall and stood there like the laws of gravity didn't apply to him.

Your jaw dropped and your eyes widened. Peter looked at you and his eyes mirrored yours; he wasn't aware of what he was doing until he had already done it.

The man managed to get back on his feet. "What in the world!" Panicked, he fled, leaving the knife on the ground.

Peter walked off the wall. You were standing in place, jaw slacked open and face pale as if you had seen a ghost.

Peter held up his hands. "I know you're shocked. I guess... I have to tell you officially now, huh? Well... I am Spider-Man, ___."

You were suddenly embarassed of everything you'd ever said about Spider-Man. How many times had you gushed about him to Peter? You always thought he smiled because he thought it was cool that you liked Spider-Man so much and he did too, but the truth was that he was Spider-Man.

He was the one that had saved you when you were mugged. It was Peter behind the mask that you stared at as you were scooped off the ground and placed on your feet. It was his hands that grasped yours and promised that you were safe now.

It was Peter that had followed you now to keep you safe again.

"You followed me," you realized.

"I... did," he said slowly. "I couldn't let something like that happen to you again. Especially not since I like you so much."

You smiled. "You never did forget me then, did you?" You stepped closer as you added, "Spider-Man."

He blushed. "It's impossible to ever forget you, ___."

Your cheeks were hurting from smiling. "Well. Maybe now I can give Spider-Man my number. And maybe Peter can call me tomorrow."

"Technically I'm Peter," he said. He yanked on the front of his plain t-shirt. "Since I'm out of uniform."

You shrugged. "But that was Spider-Man that walked on the wall, so..."

He laughed. "Can I walk you home? Or... at least to deliver this pizza and back to Joe's."

You nodded. "I would love that, Peter."

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