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AN- Ok. Fair warning, this chapters takes a...turn. You'll see soon enough.


 Nick Wilde opened the door to his apartment to see his beloved bunny sleeping on the couch. He had to work a little late, and she had said she would wait up for him, but it looks like things didn't turn out that way. A smile crept on the fox's face. He walked over to the couch where she calmly breathed in and out in her sleep.

Nick said down on the coffee table so he could look at her. The beauty that rested on her face illuminated the entire room.

"What did i ever do to deserve a mammal like her," Nick said to himself, uietly enough so he didn't wake her up,"The first day i met you, i knew you were a special mammal. You didn't see me to be the fox everyone else saw. You helped me before you even knew my name. I regret what i did to you. If i was to be honest, i wanted to tell you the truth that day, because i did feel bad for doing that to a mammal who really wanted to help a fox. Then we went on that crazy adventure, it is no wonder i fell for you, because you are the kindest, sweetest, and most amazing mammal in this damned world. How you fell for me must be a miracle from God abovehe bunny on the cheek saying,"I love you, Carrots."

Nick the put a blanket on her to keep the bunny warm and left to takwe a shower. As he walked out of the room, Judy slowly opened one eye and wore a bright smile, a small tear falling from her eye,"I love you too," Judy said with a smile, but made sure Nick didn't hear her.


Judy woke up, on the couch with Nick curled up with her. The bunny smiled as she saw her peacefully sleeping fox. It was his off day, so she decided to let him sleep. She, however, got up and grabbed her crutched.

'Just one more week,' Judy thought to herself as she made her was to the kitchen, getting a pot of coffee ready, and grabbing a box of pancake mix. Judy's mind went back to the words Nick had said to her last night. It made her think about just how much that smartass fox ment to her and how much she loved him.

Judy was taken out of her thoughts by the sound of Nick coing into the kitchen,"Good morning, Slick," the bunny said with a smile.

"Morning, Beautiful," Nick replied.

"Beautiful?" Judy repeated with a raised brow,"What has you in the charming mood today?"

Nick smiled,"I am always charming to you."

Judy rolled her eye,"You want some coffee? I'm making pancakes."

"I would love some," Nick said, getting up to make a cup.

Judy glanced at the corner of her eye as Nick poured the coffee into the mug,'Damn he is hot.'

Judy felt her body start to heat up nad her knees buckled,"I need to go to the bathroom," Judy said, going to the bathroom.

Nick raised a brow as the bunny hurried away, a certain smell remained in the kitchen. It smelled like Judy but...different. Nick closed his eyes as if it was the best smell in the world.

Judy shut the bathroom door and reached into her purse, grabbing a bottle of pills, and she took a couple of them.

"Every month gets harder when he is around," Judy said to herself. Mating season was a problem for her. Rabbits always had it bad, but Judy was a different case. She had tried to fight off the will to mate for years. This was mostly because she had never been in a stable relationship like she is now. Granite, she wasn't a virgin, her highschool sweetheart, Greg, took that from her, then ditched her a week later.

After she felt she was back in control of her own body, Judy exited the bathroom.

"You ok?" Nick asked.

"Yeah," Judy said,"Got a little sick to my stomach."

"You want to sit down? I cna take care of this for you."

"No," Judy said,"Trust me, i would like to be up and about right now."

And Judy was right, over the years, she had overcome her will to mate with the use of pills and excersizing, but with her being stuck indoors, she didn't have time or space to excersie, and the pills only worked for so long. That's when the fact hit her like a bus.

Nick was going to be home all day, and she was almost out of pills. The bunny didn't know what she was afraid of. It isn't like the two hadn't had sex already, however, they weren't ever dating then. Now they had been dating for a while, and Judy can't bring herself to do it. Nick wouldn't mind. Why would he? He was male, of course he wanted it, Nick just isn't the type of mammal to pressure her into it, so he doesn't mention it.

Maybe what really had Judy on edge about the whole thing, is fear. The first night that the two had sex, she was really sore due to the size difference, and with her being close to being in full health, she didn't want to risk anything.

Nick thought she was waiting for this final week to be over so that she could go back to work, but the truth of it, is that Judy is hungry, and Nick was looking extrememly apitizing.



Let's just say....Judy didn't need the pills anymore.


Nick panted heavily as he left the bedroom and ran to kitchen,"WATER....I...NEED...WATER!"

"Come on, Nick .You have been teasing me for the past couple of months. You cannot be tired after only three times."

"Can we just take a break?"

Judy groaned,"I guess. Come on and lay down."

Nick made his way to bedroom and layed down, a naked Judy cuddling up to him,"I'm sorry," Judy said, now realizing what she was doing,"I shouldn't be waring you out like this. I just...bunny's are really, energetic this time of the month and i ran out of pills."

Nick smiled and held the bunny,"Don't apologize, Carrots. I said i was tired. I didn't say i wasn't enjoying it."

Judy giggled a little bit,"Don't worry, the cycle should end tomorrow."

Nick smiled,"Next month, i will be ready."

Judy laughed, rolling her eyes, and lightly punching Nick in the arm,"You dumb fox, what are you gonna do? Run away?"

Nick winked,"I had a better idea, involving a few extra pair of handcuffs."

Judy smiled seductivly,'"Officer Wilde, showing a completely different side of yourtself."

"I can't help it," Nick said,"Some crazy bunny wants me to have a stroke, it is time she was taught some patience."

Judy winked,"Next month."

AN- Ok then....Hope you guys enjoyed it. I actually liked this chapter, had some tears of joy, and a few laughs. I thought it was perfect. Anyway, i hope ypu guys liked the chapter. Next chapter coming soon.


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