Stu Hopps Pt.2

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AN- Okay guys, i know i haven't written in a while, and i apologize for that. Anyway, as for this chapter...


 "So..," Nick said awkwardly to Judy,"about that kiss.."

Judy groaned,"I know we agreed to not get serious till we were sure. I just...when your mom and my dad were fighting, then you got into it. I couldn't take it. Then dad said that about if we were dating, and I just HAD to dosomething to draw the attention off you."

"So you kiss me? If your dad ever had a reason to get me woth a fox taser, this would be it."

Judy rolled her eyes,"Then I guess it's a good thing he DIDN'T bring it."

Nick looked to the bunny and said,"You know, technically you are lying to your dad right? We aren't really dating, but right now, he thinks we are. I get that you wanted him to shut his mouth, I wanted him to shut his mouth, but I don't think telling him THAT would really help."

"That was the plan," Judy said with a sly smile that surprised Nick.

"Are you..husltling you dad?"

"Something like that," Judy said,"You see, Dad is furious that he thinks we are dating and him and mom are probubly up there right now arguining about what to do about it. Mom being the more understanding of the two, is probubly willing to accept it because she thinks if they DON'T accept it, i'll disown them. Dad, being the not-so-understanding mammal, is not willing to accecpt it. Mom wears the pants in my family, so she is going to win and Dad will say he will 'tolerate' you so i'm happy. Once I know he has that mindset, i'll tell him that we aren't really dating right now. Dad loves me. That is why he said those things. It is because he is worried about me and only wants whats best for me. Once he sees that I do like you and I am planning on being your girlfriend, he will try to get to know you better so that he can know for a fact that you are good for me. That's when you get your chance to get on mom and dads good side."

Nick had wide eyes,"You clever bunny."

"I've been hanging around you for a long time, Wilde."

"Still, I would have never thought of that."

Judy shrugged,"I'm more of a fox than you are."

Nick stood up and stretched a little. The two had been sitting on Faiths porch, not sure of what else to do,"I'll call mom when I get home to make sure she is ok. She was close to going savage on your dad."

"A part of me wishes she did,"Judy laughed.

Unknown to the two, the front door had a long pair of brown ears that quickly went down.

"So, see you at work tomorrow," Nick said,"I'll borrow finnicks van so we don't have to walk."

"Sounds good," Judy said,"But how am I suppose to get home right now?"

"Carrots, I don't like telling you what to do, but after everything that happened here today, you may want to concider staying here tonight. I'll bring you one of your uniforms you left at my apartment."

Judy nodded her head,"You're right. I'd rather try and fix this sooner than later."

Nick nodded his head,"I just called Finnick. He will be here soon."

"Ok, Slick. I'd hate to leave you out here alone, but I reckon i'm gonna go inside. Tell Finnick I said hi."

"Will do," Nick said.

Finnicks van then pulled up,"Come on, loser."

"How did you get here so fast?" Nick asked in shock.

"I literally live down the road you nitwit."

Nick shrugged,"Well, let's go."

The fox then got in the van and Judy went inside. The bunny walked in and the first thing she saw was her dad on the couch. It looked as though he was...crying.

"Dad?" Judy asked.

"No," the bunny said,"Do not speak. You hate me, and I understand why. You wish I was dead and I don't blame you. If you really hate me so much that you would let a savage animal have it's way with me, then I will excuse myself from your life."

Judy's ears then went down, He must have heard was she said about Kate,"Dad, I don't hate you."

"Sure," Stu said sarcastically,"Jude, I know that I am not always fair to you. I know that I may say these things to you, and it sounds like i'm putting you down, or i'm saying that I don't believe in you, but that isn't the case at all. Judy, I do and say these things because I am worried. I am so damn worried because I don't want you getting hurt. I fear everyday that I will be watching the news and it will say that the first bunny cop was killed during a bamk robbery."

"That isn't going to happen," Judy said, sitting on the couch beside her dad,"Not as long as Nick is by my side. Dad, I am so sorry for what I said. I really didn't mean it. I shouldn't have said it and I am sorry. Ll I want, is for you to treat Nick like you would treat Amy's husband, or Corra's boyfriend."

"It is easier with them Judy. Conner and Troy are rabbits. We have a lot in common. I understand how they live. Nick is a fox. We bunny's were raised to fear foxes. To hate them. I never felt that way to be honest. I didn't want to believe that a fox could be so bad because of how they were labeled. In fact, you could say that I highly respected foxes. Then, when you had that run in with Gideon Grey....that changed my point of view."

Judy hugged her dad,"I felt the same way when I first saw Nick," Judy said,"I judged his at first sight because of my own past experiences. I didn't trust him at first. But then I got to know him dad, and this mammal has changed the way I saw everything. My view on foxes, my view on the world, my view on life. He had taught me so much dad and if you would take the time to know Nick the way I do, you'll understand."

Stu nodded his head,"You're still my baby girl," the bunny said.

"And you are still my dad."

The hugged tightly, both crying just a little,"Ok, Jude. I'll take the time to really know Nick. Sense you two are dating, I feel like I should grow a trust with him that I didn't take the time to have with Brett. You saw where that got me."

Judy smiled,"I'm very happy that you said that," Judy said," Because I have something to say. Me and Nick aren't Dating at the moment. We do have strong feeling for eachother, but we are taking it slow."

Stu's eyes went wide,"You aren't dating him?"

"I might in the future, dad. As I said, I DO have feelings for him."

"Now I really do need to get to know this fox."

"That is kind of the point, Dad."

Stu nodded his head,"I just don't want you to get hurt again. Between Brett and Gideon, I don't know how you can stand relationships or Foxes."

"Dad, The situation with Gideon was when I was nine, and the Brett thing...i was just too blind to see who he truly was. Just trust me, Dad. That is all I know to ask from you."

"I trust you, Judes. I always have."

Judy have her dad and hug and said,"I love you."

"I love you too," Stu said with tears,"I just wish you would stop growing up."

AN- Hope you guys liked the chapter. True, maybe it could have been better, but i am trying here. Anyway, I'll try to have my next chapter up soon. 


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