I'm Not Guilty

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AN- Ok, guys. i have re-written this chapter because my new friend @Rclark115 Gave me an idea that is better than what i had innicially planned. I hope you just enjoy it.



I was scared. Trembling. How did it all come to this? One day, I'm doing my normal daily hustles. Then I meet a bunny who I thought really believed in me. Then we solve the biggest case in Zootopia, and I go to the academy. I become a cop and somehow I fall in love with said bunny. Then I am wrongfully framed for buying drugs. I lose my job as a cop. Then, just when I thought things might get better, I see myself sitting behind bars.



When the body of Duke Weaselton was found, it shocked a lot of people, But no one was as shocked as I was. The Duke was the one who told be about Brett being behind the whole thing. Thats when it hit me like a tone of bricks. The Duke was scared to tell Nick anything. The weasel only broke when the fox mentioned Mr. Big.

The Duke was scared of someone, and who better to be scared of than the mammal he ratted out?

The fox got up quickly as possible,"Don't I get a phone call?"

Fangmire walked to the cell,"What did you say, Wilde?"

"Don't I get a phone call?"

The raised a brow,"You can, but it wouldn't make much sense."

"I want to tell my brother to check on mom. I know it's gonna break her heart when she finds out about this."

Fangmire then nodded his head and allowed Nick to the telephone.

The fox asked to be alone, for it would be an emotional conversation and Fangmire allowed it. Nick then dialed a number he really didn't want to dial, but he had to.

"Hello," a voice said on the phone.

"Nick gulped,"Hey, Jack, It's me."

"Nick Wilde," The voice said,"Haven't heard from you in a long time. What brings you to my phone?"

"Jack, I'm in jail for a crime I did not commit. I'm not calling for you to help me. I'm calling for you to save someone else."

"Nick, i'm a little confused here.."

"Judy Hopps, The first bunny cop......i think she is dating a killer, but I don't know for sure. That's why I need you to keep an eye on her."

Nick almost heard a laugh over the phone,"Sense when do you care about cops, Nick."

"Sense I became one. I hesitated on calling you because I didn't know if you would pick now. Now that I see you will, I really need you to help me out here. For old times sake."

There was a sigh,"Ok, Wilde. I'll do it. Just because you have helped me in the past. Just know, that there is nothing I can do if I don't find anything on this guy."

"I know that, Jack. Just...help me here."

"Ok, what's the guys name?"

"Brett Ear," Nick answered, then quickly added,"And don't get any ideas about Judy."

"Nick Wile is in love with a bunny?"

The sighed,"Yes, I am."

"Ok then. Under the circumstances, I guess that I can handle that rule. Also, just because I think you'll need me. I'm calling the courthouse about me being your lawyer."

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