Fixed Problems; Broken Hearts

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AN- Hey guys. Newest chapter. Hope you enjoy it.

 Judy sat in the seat she always sat in during roll call. Waiting for her name, Judy took a look at her phone, a text from her mom saying that she was sorry about what happened the previous weekend. Judy just shook it off. This had been the 12th time they apologized for what they said, but they still refuse to say anything good about Nick whenever he is brought up in conversation.

The bunny was almost tired of it. When would they get a hint that she has a life to live too.

"Hopps," the chief said looking at the bunny,"You will be taking tundra town, there was a break in earlier today and we need an officer on it."

"Yessir," Judy said, taking the case file form the large buffalo.

Judy looked at the file and almost passed out when she saw that the victim was her sister, Faith. All thought Judy previously had left as the bunny ran for her police car.

Faith was one of Judy's littermates. She looked a lot like Judy except she had more of her father's color. She had moved to Zootopia not long after the nighthowlers case because she had started working with a publishing company. Faith was a writer, but not the typical sappy romance novels that a lot of female bunnies wrote. Faith was big on horror novels. Because of these stories, like Judy, Faith was really different to the townspeople. Now, to know that her house was broke into was hard to believe.

Judy started her drive to Faith's house as fast as she could.


"Jude!" Faith Hopps said joyfully when she saw her sister,"Am I happy to see you"

"Are you ok, Sis?" Judy said giving her sister a hug.

"I would be better if I wasn't robbed. Those bastards even took my computer. How am I supposed to write?"

Judy shook her head,"Did you lose your stories?"

Faith chuckled a little,"Jude, I'm not completely stupid. I keep all my information in sandisk."

Judy laughed a little,"You're as sly as Nick."

"Speaking of which. I heard what happened back home. Are you okay?"

Judy kind of shrugged,"I'm fine. It's not like I'M the one with the problem."

Faith nodded her head. Judy was write,"Does Nick know about what happened?"

"I didn't tell him. He's trying his hardest to pass the academy, I don't want him to worry about my family issues."

"How is he doing at the academy?"

Judy smiled,"He is doing great. He's passing all the tests and there's a big chance he will get top of the class."

"That's amazing."

Judy nodded her head,"So, now that we are pretty much caught up, let's get down to business. Did you happen to see the suspect?"

Faith nodded her head,"Yeah, it was a large polar bear in a suit."

Judy's eyes went wide,"You're kidding!"

Faith shook her head,"Why? Do you know something?"

Judy sighed,"I think I know who I have to see."


Judy carefully crept into Mr. Big's building. Being the godmother of his granddaughter, that was normal, but Judy was more nervous than ever.

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