The sighting.

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AN- Hey guys. New chapter. Try not to cry. Try not to laugh. Try not to say WTF!!


 Twelve year old Nick Wilde stood beside his mother fighting the tears in his eyes as he watched the large pine box get lowered into the ground. A freash tomb stone sat in front of the hole that read,'John Wilde.' The fox couldn't look at it no longer, and he walked away from his mother and ran to the car where he tried to keep it together. Never let them see that they get to you. That is what Nick had been telling himself sense he was nine years old.

However, watching his dad die in front of him, his killer still not found, it was too much to bare,"Why?" Nick asked looking into the sky,"Why would you do this?! Do you enjoy torturing mammals like me, God? You didn't need to take him, but what the hell did you do? YOU TOOK MY DAD FROM ME!"

Nick was blaming God for it all, but truth be known, he was blaming God because he didn't want to blame himself for the death of his best friend/father. It was his fault and the fox knew it.

Suddenly, another moment flashed. Nick and his dad where at the store. The dumb fox had wandered off into another isle on accident and ran into a large horse. Nick saw a look in the mammal's eyes he didn't like and tried to back away, But the horse said,"Come here, little guy. I won't hurt you. In fact, I think me and you could have some 'fun' together."

Nick started to run, but the horse grabbed him by the arm,"DADDY!" Nick yelled.

John Wilde then came to the isle and saw his son being grabbed by the horse,"LET HIM GO!" the fox yelled tackling the horse.

Nick looked left and right. He was terrified as he tried to not look at the fight. However, the moment Nick did look at the two was when the horse pulled out a knife and stabbed the large fox in the chest.

There was a look of horror on Nick's face and the horse started runnig,"DADDY!"


Nick jumped up quick out of his bed, sweating like a pig. PUN INTENDED

The fox hadn't had a dream like that in years. He didn't know why he was thinknig about his dad so much lately, but it wasn't doing him any favors. Nick looked at the clock. 4:30am. Nick still had an hour left to sleep, but didn't he could do it. He had a fear of having that same dream again.


Judy and Nick had made it to the ZPD and were waiting for the chief to allow them inside. He was in a meeting at the moment. Judy looked to the fox and saw bags under his eyes.

"Rough nights sleep?" the bunny asked.

"I guess you could say that," Nic said not wanting to lie, but at the the same time he couldn't tell her the truth. They were in enough stress as it was, waiting fro Bogo to speek with them.

That's when an elephant walked out the of room and Bogo said,"Wilde. Hopps."

Nick and Judy walked into the chief's office and sat down,"So, you two went on a date last night?"

Nick and Judy both knew they couldn't hide it now,"Yessir, we did."

"So, you two are a thing now?"

Nick and Judy nodded their heads slowly.

Bogo noticed this and calmly said,"Look. It is nothing to be ashamed about. Love it a crazy thing and it can be a little weird sometimes. That's why I can't force you to stop being together, however, we do need to talk about it."

"You are going to separate us. Aren't you?"

Bogo shook his head, causing the two to be surprised,"No, Wilde. You two make a good team. You are the best cops we have, so I can't just separate the two of you. However, I am expecting the two of you to keep it professional while you are on MY time. Meaning, no making out in the cubicle, no being all lovey during my morning assignments. And no getting..intimate in the car."

Nick and Judy both blushed at the chief's accusations,"We promise to keep it professional during work, Sir."

Bogo nodded his head,"Then, I only have one thing to do."

The chief pulled out the mic that gave access to the intercoms to the entire precinct and said,"The WildeHopps train has shipped."

From the other side of the door there was a large sound of mammals cheering, and other mammals groaning,"What the hell?" Nick asked.

"Thanks to you two, I am $50 richer. Now, leave my office and return to your normal patrols."

Nick and Judy were afraid to walk out of the chief's office, and had every right to be as their co-workers saw them and ran for the two cheering,"WILDEHOPPS! WILDEHOPPS!"

"This is going to be a long day," Nick said.

"You know that to be true," Judy agreed.

Ut of the corner of her eye, Judy saw a hooded figure on a computor. He was on a site called WattPad and was writing down everything the two said or did. After seeing that I..i mean...he was seen, the figure took his computor and ran. A sticker on his comptor read,'DisneyFan100'.

"What you looking at, Carrots?" Nick asked.

"I think I saw...nevermind."


AN- So, yeah, that is the new chapter. Alot of questions will probubly be asked in the comics like 'WHY THE HELL DID YOU THINK IT WAS NESSISARY TO PUT YOURSELF HERE?!' or 'WHY DDI YOU KILL NICK'S DAD!?!?! WE DIDN'T EVEN GET TO KNOW HIM!!' 

Well guys, i don't have those answers yet because..well...i'm sort of stuck. Having some writters block and i need ideas for chapters. That's where you guys come in. Please give me some ideas. Put them in the comments or PM me. Till then....


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