Off To The Academy

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AN- Ok guys. I hope you like this chapter. There is a reference in here for you guys so be sure to look for it. 


 Judy stood beside Nick at the Zootopoia Train Station, awaiting the arrival of the train that will take Nick to the police academy. Nick was shaking a little. Something that Judy took notice of quickly.

"You ok?" the bunny asked.

Nick looked at Judy worriedly, but the put on a small smile,"I'm just a little excited, but I am also terrified, Carrots."

Judy smiled to the fox as she said,"I was nervous too. It's just your brain having second thoughts."

"Isn't that bad?"

"Not if you listen to your heart instead," Judy said with a smile that Nick fell in love with. Nick did want to listen to his hear, but it was near about impossible because Judy is always in Nick's heart, and it causes Nick to not think of anything else. So, Nick used that to his advantage. He would do it for Judy.

"Thanks Carrots," Nick finally said,"You truly are amazing."

When Nick said that it caused Judy to blush Wildly. (pun intended).

About that time, the two heard the large train coming their direction.

"Well, I guess this is it," Nick said with a forced smile.

"Yeah," Judy said.

Nick put his paw out to shake Judy's hand, but was shocked when Judy hugged him tightly,"I believe in you, Nick."

Nick hugged the bunny back and got on the train, waving toward her one more time.

Judy watched the train leave with a heavy heart. Nick was her best friend, and only friend, in Zootopia. Now he was Gone. But how could she miss a friend THIS much?

The bunny was taken out of her thoughts by the sound of her cell phone. It was her mom and Dad.

Judy answered the phone and said,"Hey guys."

"Oh, hey, Jude," Stu Hopps said,"We tried to call earlier but couldn't reach you."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I gave Nick a drive to the train station. He just left for the police academy."

"You mean he actually got in?" Bonnie asked I complete shock.

Judy groaned,"I am going to pretend that I did not hear that."

Stu dropped his face into a frown,"Jude, you have to admit that it is a real surprise to see a fox joining the police department. I mean, his kind had never done anything like that."

"You know dad," Judy said,"There was a time when there was no such thing as a bunny cop, but I did it. A small, meek, ignorant, cute little bunny became a cop. I believe in Nick with my whole heart."

Bonnie then spoke up to change the subject,"So, the reason we called was to see if you would come and visit us. It's been a while sense you have came for a visit."

"It's only been a month, mom."

"Well, that is a long time."

Judy sighed,"Okay, I'll visit you for the weekend."

Stu smiled,"Great. We'll clean out your old room for your visit."

Judy rolled her eyes,"Okay, dad. I'll see you Friday."

"Love you, Judy," The two rabbits said as they hung up.

"I need a vacation to an isolated cabin in the forests where there are no mammals in a five mile radius."

The bunny then walked to her car and drove to the ZPD to start her day. It was Bogo's birthday. Should be interesting.


Nick Sat on the train, looking at old pictures on his phone. Most pf them were funny photos that Nick took during his hustling days, then his most recent pictures were with Judy. Nick smiled at the pictures. God, how much his life had changed.

"I heard there was a Fox going to the academy. I didn't believe it at first, but i'll be damned if he isn't sitting right next to me," a voice said from beside Nick.

The fox turned to see a sheep looking at him,"Yeah, I'm Nick Wilde."

The sheep shook his head,"Trust me. Everyone knows who you are. You are that fox who helped solve that missing mammal case. A Hustler I heard you were."

"That was the past," Nick said,"I'm diferent now."

"No shit," the sheep said,"Look where you are."

Nick laughed a little,"So, what's your name?"

"Trust me, you won't be at the academy long enough to even worry about my name."

The sheep then got up and walked to a lama and started to talk to him. Most likely the conversation was about 'the dumb fox who really thinks he has a chance of passing the academy'.

Nick once more looked at his phone, then put it in his pocket. He knew he would be at the academy shortly, but getting a few extra Zs wasn't a bad idea.

AN- Hey, so that is the end of this chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. If you caught the reference comment what it was. The first person to tell me what it was will be selected for something very important. 

Anyway, that is it for now. See you guys in the next chapter.


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