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AN-Hey guys. Welcome to the newest chapter, i hope you enjoy it. 

 Nick had been waited for this day for a while now. His final test. The fox was already top of his class but he still needed to pass this one test. The fox sat with the other soon to be cops, waited for the sargents orders.

Finally, the large polar bear said,"Start the text."

Nick tried hard to concentrate ob the test, but found it hard. Ever sense Judy started seeing Brett they didn't talk as often. The fox hoped that it wouldn't be that way when he got home. Judy was the whole reason he had went to the academy to begin with.


Judy sat ib her police cubical working on files from her previous case. She enjoyed working alone, but had a feeling it would be a lot better once Nick started working with her.

Suddenly, Bogo walked to the bunnies office and said,"Hopps. A word?"

Judy nodded her head. With the chief, there is no telling what could be up. The bunny followed the chief to his office and sat down. Bogo then looked to her,"Hopps, ever sense that missing mammal case, you have become a true rollmodel to the city of Zootopia. You are the second most idolized mammal in the city. Gazzel is number one. Obviously."

"Wha are you getting at chief?"

Bogo looked again to the bunny,"As you know, the police academy graduation is this Wednesday. I want you to be the head speaker for it."

Judy looked at the buffalo with wide eyes,"I would love to."

Bogo smiled to the Bunny,"Good. Eight oclock sharp. Do not be late."

Judy nodded her head and got up, walking out of the office with a smile. All the police looked at Judy strangly. No one had ever walked into Bogo's office and left with a smile.


Nick took a deep breath before looking at his test. Everything he had worked so hard for was relying on this piece of paper.

He took a peek at it and then quickly flipped it. A+! He passed. The fox put on a huge smile and threw the paper in the air, giving a loud,"YAAAHHHOOOOO!!!!"

The fox called Judy's number as soon as he left that room and she picked,"Nick? I am at work, what do you need?"

"I passed, Carrots!! I passed!!"

"Are you serious!?!?" Judy said with a large smile.

"Yeah. Top of my class, just like you!!"

Judy was overjoyed by the news,"Well, I have news for you to, Officer Wilde. Guess who is being the head speaker for the graduation."



Nick smiled even wider, even if she couldn't see,"Sounds like we are both had a great day."

Judy laughed,"I guess so. I'll see you Wednesday, Nick."

"You too, Carrots. Can't wait to finally be home."

Judy spoke up once more,"Speaking of home, where do you live?"

"Southside apartments in downtown Zootopia."

Judy smiled,"Alright, was just curious. Thought you may have lived under that bridge."

Nick laughed with her,"You're starting to get my sense of humor, Carrots."

"I suppose I am."

"Well, I better get to packing. See you in a couple of days, Carrots."

"Bye, Nick," the bunny said, hanging up the phone.

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