Judy Snaps

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AN-Hey guys. It's the newest chapter. Really hope you guys love it.


 Nick walked off of the train where he saw a large buss labeled 'Zootopia Police Academy'. The fox took a look around him for a second. There were elephants, Rhinos, zebras, even sheep. However, there were no foxes and Nick shook his head to himself,'Did you really expect to see a fox?' Nick thought to himself.

He then made his way to the bus and handed the driver his application.

"Ah, I've heard of you, Wilde," The driver said,"The night-howlers case, right?"

"That is correct, sir," Nick said with a smile.

"Well, I must say that that was some very impressive work. I have a feeling you will do very well."

Nick then raised a brow,"You don't have doubts about me because i'm a..fox?"

The driver then shook his head with a smile,"The last time I thought a mammal wasn't going to make it out of the academy alive, I was proven VERY wrong."

Nick smiled,"You must be talking about Judy Hopps."

"Yeah, she really did very well. From what I have heard, you and her are good friends."

"Yeah, she even gave me a few tips about the academy."

The driver nodded his head,"Then there is no doubt in my mind that you will make it. However, i'm gonna wish you luck, just in case."

Nick chuckled a little as he sat down in an empty seat. That driver was the first mammal, besides Judy, who had something good to say about joining the academy. Suddenly, Nick wasn't all that nervous.


The bus came to a stop in front of the academy, and couldn't believe it. He was here. The first fox to ever set foot into the police academy. To be honest, Nick was excited, scared, nervous, and proud all at once.

He got off the bus and walked to the gate. Reading the letters above that said 'Zootopia Police Academy'. Nick's heart was racing, after he walked in, there was no turning back. So, with a little hesitation, Nick stepped inside, and walked into the building.

There was a sign by the door that said,'Get your room key At the front desk.'

So, Nick went to the desk where a wolf was reading a magazine,"Name?"

Nick raised his brow,"Take a guess."

The wolf then looked up and was shocked to see a fox,"Nick Wilde. The fox who helped save Zootopia."

"Didn't think that would take long," Nick laughed.

The wolf then pulled a key out and said,"You will be in room 142."

Nick gave a smile and went into search for his room, finally finding it down the hall. Nick turned the knob, surprised that it wasn't locked.

When looking into the room, Nick saw two beds, a dresser, and a small tv. Judging by the two beds, Nick figured he ws going to have a roommate. Which wasn't so bad, as long as he or she didn't have a problem with foxes.

Nick quickly got his answer when a wolf walked into the doorway and said,"Oh, Shit. All the mammals in the academy, and I get stuck with the guy who saved the city."

Nick shrugged,"Technically, I just helped."

"Well, you are a true hero, nonetheless."

Nick smiled. It's amazing how mammals where ok with this whole fox thing.

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