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 "Okay, Mom, I gotta pick up Judy and her parents in an hour," Nick said, walking into the house. The vixen had called him over and Nick still didn't know why,"So, what's up?"

Kate looked at her son with a smile,"Well, Nick, I have a little something for you. I'm not sure if you will be willing to accept it, but.." the vixen pulled out a pair of car keys and tossed them to Nick.

"Mom..what's this?"

"Keys," Kate said raising a brow.

Nick rolled his eyes with a chuckle,"I know that, but why?"

"You need a way to go, Nick You can't just rely on Finnick's van or the subway to get you to work or Judy's house."

"Mom, I can't take your car. That isn't happening."

There was a pause,"It's not my car, Nick.."

The fox looked confused,"Then...who's is it?"

"It was," Kate hesitated a little,"Your dad's."

Nick now looked at the keys with shock,"Mom...i can't accept this."

"Yes you can, and you will. He would have wanted you to have it."

Nick felt a tear roll down his face,"Thank you, mom," the fox said hugging his mom.

The vixen smiled at her son,"Now, go get ready for your date."

Nick nodded his head and went out the door. Then making his way to the barn where an old muscle car sat. It was a black Trans Am with a red trimming and a goldne flamed fox on the hood. Nick hadn't even looked at the car in years and to see it, still in mint condition, was too good to be true.

The fox got inside of it and looked at the passenger seat, a flashback coming to him...


"Daddy, when will you teach me to drive?" six year old Nick asked looking up to his dad with big eyes.

The large fox chuckled,"You want to learn?"

The really young for nodded his head a million times in a span of three seconds.

"Ok then, Son. Come over into my lap and take the wheel."

Nick smiled widely as he climbed onto his dad and took hold of the wheel,"What do I do now, Daddy?"

"Just keep the car steady. I'm sure your short legs won't reach the peddles."

Nick giggled at his dad's joke and held the wheel, but would spin it left and right for the fun of it. Still not knowing what he was doing, Nick honked the horn and gave a loud,"WOO-HOO! I'm Driving, Daddy."

"Yes you are, little fox," the bigger fox said with a loving smile.

"When I grow up. I want to be as cool as you. I want to drive like you. I want to walk like you. I want to be a tall as you. I want to be a cool dad like you."

The fox smiled at his son,"You'll do great things, Nicholas. I have no doubt in that."

Young Nick gave his dad a toothy smile and then lovinly said,"I love you, Daddy."

"I love you too, Little Fox."


Nick felt himself start to cry once more. He didn't remember the last time he thought about his dad. Now, for the first time in years, the memory of him came down in him.

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