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AN-Not much i can say. This chapter is basically just filler. 


 Nick groaned loudly at the sound of his phone going off like thesirens on his and Judy's police cruiser. Today wasn't going toi be a fun day. Nick knew that already. It will be the first day sense he started working at the ZPD that Judy won't be there. The fox was almost worried, but Judy believe he could do it.

At least that's what the text said.

Nick also wasn't ready to face the mammal who killed his dad. The memories were flooding his mind. Nick debated on whether he should tell his mom. It was alrerady a tramatic experience for the both of them, but Nick knew that if this WAS the guy, his mom and hiself would feel good knowing that teh mammals who killed his dad would be in jail.

Nervously, Nick got a shower and put his uniform on. He then grabbed the keys to his dad's car. Everytime he touched the shiny silver keys, the fox would smile. Having an image of his dad appear in his mind.

Nick was now off toward the ZPD.


Upon arriving, Nick was greeted by the happiest cop in the world, Clawhouser.

"NICK!," The cheetah said,"Good to see you again. How is everything?"

Nick groaned,"My girlfriend is in the hospital, i'm working alone today, and i am about to talk to the guy who killed my father. How do you think i am doing?"

Clawhouser lowered his said,"I'm sorry, Nick. I wasn't thinknig."

"It's ok," Nick said,"I'm sorry i snapped at you. Look, i gotta see the chief. I will talk to you later."

"Ok," Clawhouser said, as Nick walked away.

Nick then found Cheif Bogo's room and walked in,"Chief?"

"Wilde. Glad you could make it."

"Yessir," Nick said,"Wish i could say the same."

"Look, Wilde. I know this will be hard for you, but i need to you to keep it cool."

Nick nodded his head,"I can try, Sir."

The tow then made their way to the interrigation room where Nick saw a face he only saw once in his life, but couldn't forget fpr the the life of him."

"What do you have to say fro yourself?" Nick asked, trying to keep calm,"Your actions have put a cop in the hospital."

The horse lowered his head and asked a question that shocked both him and Bogo,"Is she ok?"

"What?" Nick asked.

"Is she ok?"

"She is stable," Bogo said," But in bad condition."

"Look, please tell her that i am so sorry. I should not have ran that red light. If i had killed a cop..i wouldn't be able to live with myself."

"But you are ok with killing a kit's dad right in front of him, huh?"

"Wilde," Bogo warned.

"Excuse me?" the horse asked.

"20 years ago. You killed my dad in a grocery store."

Bogo and Nick waited for the horse to speak. Finally he did,"I remember your dad. I remember that night. I was a different mammal back then. I was stuck on drugs and was running away from life."

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