Authors Note

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Hey Guys,


So, this is my newest Zootopia Story. I want you all to know that i am very truely sorry, but my previous stories will not be finished. I know many of you were hoping for them to be finished because you liked them. I do not mean to upset anyone or anything, i just really have no ideas for the other stories. There is no stability and i really can't add anything else because i am afraid of fucking up in some way. So, if there are any Wattpad writers readers reading this, i wish to tell you that my uncompleted stories are up for grabs. If you think that you may be able to finish the story for me, or rewrite it to be better, please PM me and i'll respond ASAP. 

Now, let me explain what is going on here. I saw how big of a success my 'Ways Of Seeing Right Through You' trilogy was and i wanted to try it again. So, i'm writing something diferent but similar at the same time. Don't ask me what that means, it's weird.

 I am also trying alot of new things for this story. First of all, i will leave little references in this story that will have something to do with the 'Ways Of Seeing Right Through You' trilogy. If you are able to find them, comment what it was, and the first person to comment will be able to help me with ideas, OCs, or just hard decisions. 

I hope you guys enjoy this story. I hope i enjoy writing it. Anyway, please swipe up or click the 'next chapter' button and read chapter one. 

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