Not Yet

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AN- Hey guys, Newest chapter.


 Nick Wilde stood outside of Chief Bogo's office hesitating on going inside. The buffalo had given Nick his jib back, but after what had happened, they needed to talk and make sure that Nick was.....capable of going back to work. The fox finally opened the door and saw Bogo with earbuds in. He seemed to be dancing to something.

Nick raised a brow as he watched the buffalo dance like an idiot,"Chief?" Nick said. The large buffalo was startled by the fox and accidentally dropped his phone, causing the headphones to come out and Try Everything started playing loudly. Chief Bogo quickly snatched up his phone and turned the music off.

"Wilde," The chief said,"You saw nothing!"

Nick raised his paws up,"I'm not gonna tell anyone, Chief. Actually, information like this may come into good use in the future."

Bogo glared at the fox before saying,"Just sit down. We have to talk buisness."

Nick nodded his head. Funny buisness was over. REAL buisness had started.

"Now, Wilde. After all that has happened, do you think you are ready to start back here?"

Nick then said,"I do, Chief. I regret throwing away the badge, and I am greatful that you did not take it to heart."

"Yes, well, you think you can work here. That's good. Now, what about Hopps?"

"What about her?" Nick asked.

"Do you think you will be able to work with her after hwat happened? I could sense the tension between the two of you yesterday."

Nick nodded his head,"Trust me, Chief. Me and officer Hopps have calmed the tension down," Nick said, smiling inside as he tohught about the night before ,"I think we will be good to work together."

"Good," the chief said,"You and Hopps are good cops, Wilde. To split the two of you is something I really didn't want to do."

Nick nodded his head,"Thank you, Chief."

"So, I see no reason for you to maintain your job. You seem to be one who can handle it."

"Yessir," Nick said, unsure of how to respond to that.

"Now, you may go."

Nick then saluted and walked to the door, stopping for a moment to say,"You may continue with your Gazelle jamming."

The fox could swear that he felt daggers come from the chief's eyes, which is why he left the office quickly.


Nick was wrong when it came to what he had said to the chief. Of course there was no negative tension between him and Judy. In fact, there was now a different kind of tension between the two. After the previous night, the two now had a lot to think about.

There confessions to one another had same out in a strange way. REALLY strange, and Nick never saw it coming. He had sex with her and yet they never went on a date, they hadn't started dating, they haven't REALLY confessed their feelings, and things were different between them compared to when Nick had first came back from the academy. Nick knew he had to fix all of this. He wanted Judy, but he wanted it to be right. He wanted to know that he loved her and she loved him before they could call it a relationship.

Nick thought his head was going around in circles and he was confused, but unknown to him, Judy was thinknig ALOT more thoughts about it. And a lot of them weren't too good.

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