Hate. Pain. Sex.

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AN- Do not let the title deceive you. That is all i will say.


 To say that Nick Wilde had been doing bad for the past couple of days was an understatement. Judy had to see the fox for multiple reasons. For one, the chief demanded it. For two, Nick's mom was worried sick about him. For three, Judy wanted her friend back.

The bunny had opened the door and was shocked to see that is was a wreck. Trash everywhere. Clothes lying around. However, the one thing that caughts Judy's attention the most, was the picture of them that was now shattered on the ground.

The bunny saw the fox sitting on his couch looking off into space. He hadn't even noticed Judy walked in.

"Nick," the bunny said, grabbing the fox's attention.

"I thoguht you cops were supposed to stop mammals from breaking into homes. Not barge in yourselves."

"Nick listen to me. You cannot give up on the ZPD. You belong with the ZPD."

"It's not the ZPD who tore my heart out of my chest," Nick said bluntly.

"Nick, I am sorry. I should have taken your side. I should have believed you. I should have-"

"You can go all day with the 'should haves' Judy, but in the end, you know what? YOU DIDN'T. YOU DID NOT DO SHIT. YOU DIDN'T BELIEVE ME. YOU DIDN'T STAND BY ME. YOU WERE GOING TO LET ME ROT IN PRISON BEFORE YOU LISTENED TO ME. BEFORE YOU BELIEVED ME.....and to think that I loved you. To think that I would have taken a bullet for you a week ago. To think, that while I was at the academy, I was growing more impressed in you by the second. You said you believed in me, but I guess it was all bullshit."

"You...loved me?" Judy asked, as if in a trance.


Judy then got angry with the fox,"You know what, Wilde. Maybe I wasn't the bestest friend to you, but what did you want me to do? It didn't matter if it was me to call it in or not. If any other officer was the find Weaseltons body, they would have found out you wre a connection and you would have been in the same position. I can apologize all damn day but it wouldn't make a single difference."
"Of course it wouldn't, because I realize that you are a selfish bitch."

"And you are a fucking asshole."

"Oh, those are really nice words, coming from a fucking redneck bunny."

"oh shut the fuck up you hypocritical fuck."









The two were glaring at eachother, fire and daggers in their eyes. The name calling had stopped and it looked as though the two were gonna go completely savage on eachother. Well, that is what they did.....sort of.

The fox and Bunny kissed viciously, both growling and being a little too rough. The two separted and Nick said,"I fucking hate you."

"I hate you too," Judy said, pulling the fox in for more kissing.


The two were laying on the floor together, having finished their surprised activity. They had let out all their anger in the form of sex. It may have sounded weird, but be damned it worked.

The two hadn't said anything sense they 'finished' and Judy finally spoke. Being sesitive, it was no wonder she asked what she asked,"Do you...really hate me?"

Nick stopped, he didn't know what to say,"Had I been in your shoes..i may have reacted the same way."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"No. I don't hate you. I was just upset before because you DID turn your back on me."

"I am sorry, Nick. I really am."

Nic shook his head,"I have a deal for you. You go on a date with me tomorrow night, and i'll forget anything happened. I'll even ask Bogo for my badge back."

Judy then chuckled,"Actually, perhaps Bogo would say you 'dropped' it and your partner had to bring it back to you."

"What?" Nick said confused.

"Judy then pulled out Nick badge,"I believe this is yours?"

Nick stared at the badge for a while before saying,"How about next time, we don't make love when we are ready to kill eachother?"

Judy laughed,"I like that idea. Just your size alone has me felling a little sore. The bite marks on my neck aren't helping either."

Nick then had wide eyes,"WHAT! I didn't mean to bite you!"

Judy waved it off,"Hush, Nick. Actually...i liked it," the bunny the paused before saying,"Is there any chance that you could do it again?"

AN- HOLY SHITPAD!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST WRITE!!!!??????!?!?!?!?! I HAVE LOST MY FUCKING MIND!!!!!! Did you guys see this comming?!?!?!? I didn't!!!! and i am the fucking writer. 



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