Guns Blazing.

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AN- Newest chapter. hope you like it. 


 Finnick stared at the highway as yellow line continued to fade from existance in the side view mirrors of the old semi truck. He had been driving for a few hours, but it had felt like days to the fox. His mind was telling him that this was wrong and he should go home. But what woud be the point in doing that now? He was on the road and working the job already.

The fox took another glance in the mirror and saw a motor cycle coming his way, and following that was an import streetracing car.

Finnick knew who is was. The black fur excaping the hemet on the bike was enough proof that the most feared group of panthers were after him.

Finnick pushed harder on the skinny pedal, causing the truck to gain speed. But the bike and car were faster. The motorcyclist pulled out a machine gun and fired away at the truck. Finnick ducked down to miss the bullets and turned the truck to the left. Hitting the bike off the road. Then the car speed up beside the truck and shot at it.

Finnick swurved the truck again and hit the car, but was only able to knock it a little to the left as it came back onto the highway.

Finnicks head was a racetrack almsot as fast as the truck going through the road that now looked more like a black river. The fox had to do somehing, or it was his life on the line. With a quick train of thinknig, Finnick hit the brakes, causing the truck to slow down, then when the car was ahead, the fox stomped on the gas and his the car, causing alot of damage. The fox then sped up till the front of the truck was halfway down the car and putted it off the raod. Causing the car to flip multiple time. As for the panthers in the way of survival.






"Cell phone?"

"Is that even a question?"

Nick smiled a little but then looked at Judy seriously,"Are you sure you will be ok here by yourself?"

"Yes, Nick. Don't worryabout me. I even called Faith. She said she would come by to check on me. I will be fine. Now go to work."

Nick nodded his head," I love you Carrots."

"I love you too, Slick."

With that, Nick walked out the door.


Finnic, still shaken by the previous events, stopped at a truck stop for food. The fox chacked to make sure that he wasn't being followed and went inside, making sure to aks someone to fill up the rig for him.

"What happened to youir truck?" the ox asked as he pumped the gas.

Finnick looked and saw the big dent, probubly left by the car,"Some douchbag rearended me," Finnick said with a fake laugh.

The ox bought it and continued to fill up the truck.

The foxes heart stopped when he saw a black panther looking at him from a large SUV,"How much is that?" Finnick asked quickly.


Finnick quickly paid the mammal and bolted into the truck, putting the hammer down. The fox didn't why he bothered running at this point. The panther saw him. He knew who he was. Finnick was finished.

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