the Date

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AN- WARNING: May be triggering to big Wildehopps fans. Other than that...


 It was the night Judy had been waiting for all week. Her and Brett were going on a date. Almost unbelievable to the bunny. Prior to the date, Judy and Brett would walk passed eachother in the apartment and smile, maybe have some small talk. He was nice. A bunny that her mom and dad would like. Judy now sat at the doorway of the resteraunt Brett had picked out. el'hare. A fancy place made for rabbits. Brett would be a minute because his car needed more gas. As she waited, Judy decided to check up on Nick to see how he was doing.

After three ring, Judy heard a click and Nicks voice came into the line,"Calling another male during your date? Carrots, I thought you were smarter than that."

Judt laughed a little and said,"No, i'm just waited. Brett needed to pick up some gas."

Nick's shocked voice then said,"You are burning a house down? What the hell?"

Judy chuckled some more,"For his car you dumb fox."

"I knew that," Nick said, but in the back of her mind Judy didn't believe it.

"So, how is the academy going?"

"Great. I should be able to go home Next week. I'm actually starting to get used to the name Officer Wilde."

"Well, dont mess anything up. You're almost there."

"Carrots, do you doubt me?"

Judy laughed,"Maybe a little," she joked.

Bretts Car then came into view of the bunny,"I gotta go Nick. Talk to you later"

Before Nick could even say 'goodbye' Judy had hung up.

"Who was on the phone?" Brett asked.

"It was just Nick," Judy answered.

"I see. Well, shall we?" Brett suggested, holding out his elbow for Judy to hold.

"Yes we shall," Judy smiled as they walked into the building.


"And the whole train just exploded. Me and Nick barely made it out."

Brett chuckled at the story.

Judy had began talking about her first case, which lead to her talking about how she and Nick met. Oddly enough, Brett seemed very interested in the story.

"So, what happened after that?" Brett asked.

"Me and Nick were going to go to the ZPD and were stopped by Bellweather who we soon found out to be the suspect of the attacks. We got her red handed."

Brett clapped his paws together,"Incredible."

Judy blushed a little,"So, what about you? I don't think we have talked about your job."

Brett shrugged,"I am a supervisor for a clothing company. Basically, I make sure everything is done right."

Judy smiled,"Interesting. What clothing?"

"Bunny jeans."

Judy smiled,"I like wearing jeans whenever I am casually dressed. Maybe I could buy some of your products."

Brett also smiled,"I like the way you think."

The two continued talking for a few hours. When it began to get late, Brett and Judy drove to their apartment compex.

"I had a lot of fun tonight," Judy said with a smile.

"So did I."

Judy and Brett then kissed for a long while, after breaking the kiss, Brett asked Judy a question that brought her joy,"Will you do me the honor of Being my girlfriend, Judy Hopps."

Judy hugged Brett tightly,"Yes. A million times yes."

The two then walked through the halls, holding hands till they got to Judy's room,"Goodnight, Brett," Judy said, walking into her apartment.

Once the door was closed, Judy got on her bed and quickly got on Furrbook. She needed to do a little something.


Nick layed in his bed, Trying to find it in his mind to fall asleep, but it wasn't working,"Whats wrong?" Jerry, Nicks roommate, asked.

"Nothing,"Nick lied,"Just a little bit on my mind."

"Well, maybe you could urn the light off? We have a test tomorrow."

Nick nodded his head and turned off the light. Maybe looking at some posts on Furrbook would help the fox get tired. As soon as the icon was pushed, The first post he saw was from Judy.

Judy Hopps changed her relationship status to In A Relationship wish Brett Ear.

Nick look at that for a while. He loved that Judy was happy and he could wait to see how happy she was when he got home. The was at perfect ease until another post from Judy came up.

Judy Hopps has changed her profile picture.

The picture of him and Judy that had been their for months had been replaced by a picture of Her and Brett. Nick felt a little heartbroken but shrugged it off. Brett was her boyfriend now. Things were going to be changing a little. However, it seemed that were changing too fast.


"Hey Judy," Clawhouser said happily to the bunny like always.

"Hey Clawhouser. How are you?"

The fat cheetah shrugged,"I'm doing alright. But how are you? I saw you with a bunny last night."

"Yeah, that was," Judy finished with a small blush.

The bunny had expected for Clawhouser to lead with joy, but all he said was,"Wow, congrats."

Judy smiled," Thanks Clawhouser. I should be getting to roll call. See you later."

Clawhouser waved Judy goodbye. It was then that Fangmire came up to the Cheetah,"Looks like you and the chief and half of the PD lost the bet buddy."

Clawhouser waved it off,"Don't worry. There are still six months to go. I know she will do the right thing."

AN- Hope you guys liked it. Tried hard to make a good chapter. The next one will be up soon i hope. Till then..


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