Chapter 10. Secrets

Start from the beginning

I run my tongue a long her bottom lip and her lips part, I dart my tongue into her mouth massaging it with her's she's still on the floor kneeling  between my legs. 

I grab onto her waist picking her up and bringing her onto my lap.

Now she's straddling me, kissing me, I run a hand into her hair.

She moans into my mouth and grinds herself against me.

My bedroom door swing's open and it's J.T. 

"Woohoo gettin some." He says and smiles.

"Get the fuck out booger!" I yell at my little brother, which is J.T.'s nickname I gave him because he'd pick his nose all the time.

He quickly shut's the door and I can hear him running down the stairs.

"I should probably go home?" She asks.

I look into her eyes and I can see the guilt that's weighing in them, it makes me feel bad too because I got cheated on and it isn't right or fair.

"Yeah." I say.

I stand up still holding onto her and then place her on her feet.

I grab my keys and wait for her to get her things.


After I get back from dropping Isabella off I grab my journal and begin writing in it again.

Dear Me,

I have to wonder if she kissed me back because she likes me, or because she's like Emma. What the hell am I supposed to do if I find out that she is like Emma? How the hell does it make me any better then Xavier? What if Xavier is right for Emma? What if Isabella is right for me? What if she isn't? How the hell am I supposed to know the difference? Clearly I didn't know the difference with Emma. The way I felt about Emma doesn't even come close to my feeling's for Isabella and that I do know for sure. It took no time at all for me to fall for Isabella, I've wanted her from the moment I first laid eyes on her and she's all I've thought about ever sense. If she feels the same way than why does she stay with Ian, guilt? She met him first, once she met me maybe she figures it isn't fair to dump him for me. Maybe she doesn't understand the way I feel about her, should I tell her? I manage to tell her thing's I've never told anyone, I've managed to do thing's with her I refused to do with anybody else but yet I can't admit how I feel about her. I was never the kind of guy to be shy about how I felt, so why can't I just tell her?

Emmett Parker.

I throw my journal down on the floor in frustration.

My phone vibrates I grab it and check the text message.

Isabella: I'm sorry about tonight, that wasn't fair to you or Ian.

I hate that she's apologizing for it, I shouldn't of done it I'm probably confusing her. Hell I'm confusing myself.

Me: Don't blame yourself for it, I initiated it I shouldn't of.

Isabella: Why did you?

Because I wanted too, because I want you. That's what I want to say but I don't.

Me: I don't know.

Isabella: That's a shitty answer.

I'm A shitty person.

Me: Sorry.

Isabella: Do you like me?

Fuck yes, more than you know probably more than you like me.

Me: Yes.

Isabella: I don't understand you Em, what do you want?

You, all of you.

Me: What I can't have.

Isabella: Which is?

Me: You.

Isabella: Maybe we should keep more of a distance from each other.

Maybe we shouldn't, maybe you should just come back over.

Me: Sure if that's what you want.

Isabella: I want to be your friend Emmett, but it isn't fair to Ian what I did.

I regret NOTHING. I don't want to be your friend, I need to be more then that.

Me: As much as I despise him, I won't argue that. It wasn't fair, I won't do it again.

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