Musical Soulmates - Randy - pt1

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Bc i_ship_randy got a thing right, can't remember what it was ngl, someone else got it too but they havent asked for a one shot yet


You can hear any type of music your soulmate hears, whether they're singing or listening to something.
my soulmate would hate me wow😂


Rye's POV


I've packed my bags to leave this town...

Where the fuck was that coming from?

I'm not welcome back here any more...

I looked around. I was alone, where the fuck was this voice coming from?

"What's up?" my mate Mikey asked, seeing me look confused as he walked over.

"Someone's singing..."

"What?" he laughed.

"Can you not hear that?!"

I have noticed that the side of the bed sits kinda colder...

Mikey raised a brow, "you're hearing things, mate."


Mikey however, two months later, started to feel my pain.

"Who the fuck is playing Barbie Girl on repeat?!" he almost screamed in the middle of class.

I couldn't help but laugh, neither of us knew what was going on still, but the teacher smirked.

"Apparently, Mikey, your soulmate is a fan of it!" he chuckled.

"What?" he scoffed.

"You can hear whatever your soulmate listens to," Mr Smith explained, "but only once you turn 16."

"No offence, Sir, but that's the biggest bullshit i've ever heard," he groaned, covering his ears to try and drown it out, but obviously failing.

"That explains a lot actually.." i mumbled.



"I don't know who this guy's listening to, but i like it," i nodded, "i think this is their favorite song..."

"What does it go like?" Mikey asked.

I hummed along, trying to sing a little, "...i won't see the signs, it took so long but you were always on my mind..."

Mikey shrugged, "google it?"
(without actually googling it does anyone know what it is?)


Andy's POV



"I wish this soulmate would lower their fucking music," i groaned, and Jack, the guy i was working with, laughed.

"What's he listening to?" he smirked.

"Guns n Roses," i sighed, "good song, too loud."

He smirked at me across the counter of the cafe we worked in, "just sing at him to shut up."

"He wouldn't fucking hear me, Jack!"

"Oi!" the manager shouted and i mumbled an apology for swearing as a customer walked in. A hot customer at that.

He scanned over the menu and Jack stepped over to the till.

I tried to avoid them, not in the mood for customers with this music blasting in my ears. I went into the back to start cleaning up a little.

The music stopped.

"Finally!" i almost shouted.

Jack laughed, but i heard him serving the customer.

The fucking music started again, "oh for fuck's sake!"

"Andy!" Jack yelled, and the music stopped again.

"What?! Wait, it stopped again..."


Rye's POV


It was freezing out, and i was stuck in the city centre as i waited for my brothers to finish at this party they were at. Robbie had sworn he had plans so it was me who had to take them and pick them up, but i lived too far away to go home and come back.

I sighed to myself as i put my earphones in, sticking the volume on full to try and distract me from the cold as i walked around the shops aimlessly.

Finally, i found a little cafe, and figured even if it wasn't warm in there, i could get a hot drink.

So i stepped in, keeping my hands nice and warm in my pockets as i read the menu before stepping up to the counter.

"Hey, can i help you?" the guy asked as i pulled my earphones out.

"Yeah, can i-"

"Finally!" i heard from the back, and i raised a brow, but Irish seemed to find it funny.

"Do me a favour and put those back in for two seconds?" he pointed at my earphones.

I frowned but did as he asked, music filling my ears once again.

He listened for something, then his eyes widened, "Andy!" he i heard him shout as i took them out again.

"What?! Wait it stopped again..." Andy came through from the back, and i looked between the two guys as Andy looked between us.

"Put one in," Irish told me.

I did as he said and Blondie's eyes widened, "holy shit!"

"Right?!" Irish exlaimed excitedly.

"Wait, what?" i questioned, not knowing what was going on, but then it clicked, "wait, you can hear it..."

Blondie nodded, "and i wish you'd lower it sometimes!"

I smirked, "sorry..."

"How about you apologize over dinner tomorrow night?" he winked.

"Sounds good," i bit my lip, handing him my number.


Andy's POV

"He kept his music off, which i appreciate, but i just heard what i assume are his little brothers singing, "Ryan found his soulmate!"

Jack laughed, "that's adorable! Andy found his soulmate!" he sang.

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