Rye Whiskey - Rykey

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Rye's POV

It was just me on shift with my manager Jack when he walked in. He was with a blonde guy, but my eyes were on him. They exchanged a little mumble before he walked up to the bar.

"Do you have a bathroom?" he asked.

"Yeah of course," I replied with a smirk, "but only for customers, so what can I get you?"

"What do you recommend?" he chuckled, motioning for his friend to come over, "it's him who needs the toilet anyway."

I smirked and pointed him downstairs to the toilets before turning back to the black haired cutie.

"I'd recommend some Rye Whiskey, but I dunno if it's your taste..." i bit my lip as he raised a brow, ignoring the manager's glare.

"Go on, I'll try some," he nodded, getting a note out of his wallet.

I nodded and turned around to pour his drink, smirking at the look on Jack's face; it sort of said that was very clever but please stop flirting with the customers.

I turned back to give him his drink, and he gave me the money. "This is how I like it, lemme know what you think," I nodded and gave him his change with a wink.

He smirked and tried a sip as his friend came back, "hey, whatcha drinking?"

"Rye Whiskey," he mumbled around his straw, "it's good."

"Since when do you drink Whiskey?" blondie chuckled.

"Since it was recommended," he smirked, then leaned in to whisper something in his ear, making them both smirk.

"Can i get you anything?" i asked blondie.

"Uh i dunno," he said looking at cutie, "are we staying?"

"May as well," he nodded.

I smirked as he ordered his drink, though I was pulled aside when they'd both been served.

"How many times do I have to remind you to stop flirting with the customers?" he raised a brow.

"Until I take him out," I nodded at him, a slight smirk playing on my lips.

"Ryan!" he snapped his fingers in front of my face, making me look at him, "you carry on and you won't have any money to take him out."

"Okay, okay..." i muttered, "i'm sorry for flirting with the cute customer..."

"You in trouble again, Beaumont?" Andy laughed as he walked in for his shift.

"Flirting with him over there," Jack chuckled, nodding to where the two were sitting at the bar.

"Which one?"

"The cute one," I told him, "black hair..."

"Good, cause blondie's hot."


I had a little sulk after being told off, sorting the bottles and glasses behind the bar.

Until I heard his voice, "excuse me?"

I spun around to face him, "yeah?"

"Can I have another one of these please?" he nodded, sliding his now empty glass toward me.

"Absolutely," i nodded, though Jack had other ideas.

"Andy?! Could you serve that customer please, while I steal him for a second?" he said, pulling me away.

"What was it, mate?" Andy asked him.

"Uh, Rye Whiskey, I dunno what he put in it though," his brow furrowed slightly.

"Rye Whiskey?" Andy raised a brow, "seriously?"

"Yeah, he recommended it."

"I bet he did," Andy laughed and looked at me at the end of the bar, "Rye?"

I looked up at him, though saw the smirk cutie's face from the corner of my eye.

"What was in this? Just coke?"

"Yeah.." i nodded and looked back at Jack.

"I only wanted him to know what drink you gave him," he chuckled, "you can go serve people again now."


It wasn't until it got busy that I ended up serving the hot guy again. He seemed to fight through the crowd at the bar and make his way to me.

"Hey Rye," he raised a brow.

"You caught me," I smirked, "what can I get you?"

"Uh, a beer for him, your number and um, a Rye Whiskey please," he said, letting a smirk play on his lips.

"Coming right up," I smirked and got his drinks ready. I took his money and, as I gave him the beer for his friend, I wrote my number on his receipt. "Here you go, Whiskey and receipt for you," I winked as he took them.


I was on the late shift, meaning I had to close up. I was about to put my jacket on when my phone buzzed.

- Brook sais i should text you before I soberup so hi its mikey from your pub

- Brook had a very good idea, wanna come get some free drinks?

- wont your manager shoutat you againn?

- He's gone, I'm the only one here😉


Still swooning over the hot guy who works with my brother and I'm in a Rykey mood so figured I'd write this

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