⚠ Broken - Jacklyn - Part 2 ⚠

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(nothing actually happens but there's probs gonna be mentions of suicide from part 1)


So the last hour or so had been spent in mine and Brook's room, with Mikey apologising profusely.

"Jack i- i'm so sorry..." he said for what seemed like the 198th time, "if I'd have known... if i'd have-"

"But you didn't know," I told him, "it's fine, I'm okay now."

"Are you?" he asked, "like, are you really okay? Because if there's anything you need, I'm here for you, okay? Anything at all, Jack."

I nodded, hugging him, "thank you, Mike. You're both amazing, and I'm- I'm glad I'm still here with you guys."

"We're glad too," Mikey mumbled, pulling me close to him, "i'm so fucking glad you're okay."

"Me too," Brooklyn said quietly, "I thought I'd lost you that night..."

"Thank you Brook," I said slowly, "I really fuckin' owe you one."

He shook his head, "no you don't. You being here is all I need..."

I could see Mikey about to say something, but there was a loud crash from the other room, and all our heads snapped towards the door, "what was that?" i frowned.

"It doesn't matter," Mikey shrugged, "Brooklyn's right. You being here, and you being alright is all we want..."

There was another crash in the next room, followed by a smash, another smash and Andy's frustrated scream.

Mikey raised a brow, "i'm gonna go check on him."

The Mindy bedroom was trashed, and getting worse, by the time Mikey walked in. "Andy, what the fuck are you doing?!" he yelled, almost tackling him to the bed.

"It's my fault!" he cried letting Mikey grab the laptop from his hands as he calmed down just a little bit, "Jack did that because of me."

"You heard that?" Mikey's eyes widened.

Andy just nodded.

Brooklyn and I decided to see what all the noise was about, and as we walked into the kitchen my jaw dropped. The whole kitchen, bedroom, and living room were absolutely trashed; smashed plates, bowls, the chairs had been fucking snapped, everything was just trashed.

I couldn't do it, I couldn't stay there when all this was my fault.

I left. I sneaked out and ran.

--- (3rd person) ---

"I've got him," Mikey said to Brook as he tried to calm Andy down, "make sure Jack's okay, yeah?"

Brooklyn nodded and went back to the Jacklyn room, "Jack? Jack, where are you?!"

"Jack?!!" Brook shouted, running from room to room in the flat, "c'mon, this isn't funny!"

"What, where is he?" Mikey questioned when Brooklyn ran into their bedroom.

"I don't know!" he yelled, tears starting to form in his eyes, "he's fucking gone!"

"W-What do mean he- he's gone?" Andy choked out through his tears.

"What do you care?!" Brook snapped, "why did you have to fucking trash the place! That's why he's fucking gone!"

In the middle of Brook shouting and yelling, Rye had gotten dressed and come to calm him down.

"Brook, c'mon, we'll go look for him," he said softly, pulling him away from Andy and Mikey.

"What if he fucking-" he started, but was unable to finish. He ran his hands through his hair and ran out of the flat.

Rye followed him out, "call me the second you find him, okay? I'm gonna go this way."

Brooklyn just nodded, having an idea of where Jack may be. He ran. He ran until he got to the band's little spot, where he quickly found out Jack hadn't gone to.

"Jack?!" he called, frantically searching everywhere, then mumbled to himself, "the fucking lake... Shit, no..."

"Jack?!" he yelled as the lake came into view.

He saw a figure over on the other side, just sitting on the edge of the water (thankfully not too close). "Jack? Jack, is that you?!" he sprinted toward them.

When Brook got closer, he was met with a tearful Jack Duff, and sat next to him with a relieved sigh.

He gave Rye a quick text and looked over at Jack.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"I don't care as long as you're okay, Jack..." Brooklyn said softly, "I was fucking worried sick though. Please tell us next time if you're gonna run off..."

Jack nodded, "i just couldn't be in there when he did that because of me."

Brooklyn shook his head, "don't blame yourself for him being a dickhead."

"It was because of what I did," Jack sniffed.

"Jack please... He just- he just dealt with it badly... It's not your fault, I promise."

"I'm sorry Brook," he mumbled after a short silence.

Brooklyn shook his head as Jack let him wrap his arms around him, "you don't need to be."

"You're the best, y'know? Like, seriously thank you so fucking much for everything..."

Brooklyn kissed Jack softly on his forehead, "anything for you."


This was finished then it wouldnt lemme publish and when ive gone back on it the last edits have disappeared so sorry about that, had to write a bit more

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