Badboy - Rykey

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Rye's POV

I couldn't help myself.

Andy's locker was next to his, so that was my excuse as i walked straight over.

Andy smirked and shook his head at me from the end of the hall as he saw me, already knowing why i was actually there.

Before Andy got to his locker however, i felt a strong hand push me against it.

"Hey there," he smirked.

I looked at him, my brow was cocked up, "what do you want?"

"You," he said slowly, trapping me against the locker with his hands either side of my head.

Andy knew i loved this, though i'd never admit that to anyone, so when he reached his locker he just gave us a look that said move.

Mikey glared at him but moved over a little, hands still trapping me between him and the lockers.

"When are you gonna give in and admit you want me?" he asked me softly, leaning into my ear, and making sure to brush his lips against it as he spoke.

"When hell freezes over," i tilted my head away from him, but that only made him follow me.

I felt his lips on my jawline, kissing along it softly. I pushed him away, only for him to grab my wrists, pinning them to the lockers.

"Oi Mikey," Andy said, appearing next to us, "we've gotta get to class.." he motioned between himself and me.

"Well i think you better cover for him, don't you think?" Mikey raised a brow.

"Just let him go, dickhead," Andy rolled his eyes.

He let one of my hands free to punch Andy in the face, "what the fuck did you call me?!"

Andy just grabbed my wrist and yanked me away from Mikey, "you're an idiot."

"Me, why?!"

"He's the biggest asshole in the school and you let him walk all over you," he frowned.

"That's not true," i frowned. It was.

He rolled his eyes, "Ryan he's got you wrapped around his little finger and you won't even admit he's hot."

"I barely know the guy!" i defended.

"Yeah and you're still whipped."

I ignored him and sat down as we got to class. I huffed as i sat down, and then huffed again when the teacher wouldn't let Andy sit next to me.

"You two cause too much trouble, Andy you can sit in Michael 's seat as he's the only one yet to turn up!"

That meant, if he turned up, Mikey would be forced to sit next to me. And lets be real, the only lessons he showed up for were the ones i had with him.

He was only ten minutes late, and he smirked when he saw his seat was taken. "Hey you, did you do that on purpose?" he smirked and he plonked himself next to me.

"Not in the slightest," i raised a brow, "Miss Smith just hates me apparently..."

"Or she knows exactly what you want," he winked.

"Then why aren't i sitting next to Andy..?"

"Because you don't even know what you want," he said teasingly, "you'll soon figure it out, don't worry."

I rolled my eyes, "Mikey how many times do i have to tell you-"

"As many as it takes before you admit you're lying," he said before i finish what i was saying, and i felt his fucking hand on my leg. Holy fuck, okay...

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