"I'm...not coming home. I'm going to Italy. I'm going to meet with the Volturi."

"NO!" All of us chorus, my non-existent blood turns cold at the mere thought of Henry facing the Volturi alone.

"No, listen to me, unless I'm seriously wrong, the Volturi are after me. They probably want to question me. I don't want any of you to get hurt. Let me just go and explain everything. I'll be back soon," Henry mumbles.

"Henry, you have to come back! We are a family! We face everything, together!" Nessie screams, causing Bella to almost jump in shock.

"Mum?! Don't cry, mum! I'm fine! I'm grown up...I can take care of myself, and my family!"

"Henry, your mother is right. We are a family. Anything that threatens you, threatens all of us! You have to come home," Esme murmurs, her melodic voice cracking, and her body heaving from the tearless sobs.

"No, you guys have to listen to me, I need to do this!"

"You are going to go up against the Volturi all alone? When you couldn't even take a single wolf on? Henry, don't be absurd! Come home! We'll teach you how to fight, how to protect yourself and your family," Jazz murmurs in a persuasive tone.

The other line goes quiet for a few minutes. I can imagine Henry running his fingers through his hair, his tell-tale stress sign. "I've learnt a lot here! The Volturi won't be able to hurt me! I've discovered a new talent, guys! Now I know why the Volturi want me! Think about it! Someone who can move things with his mind? What's the big deal?! But I have a power, they will keep me alive, I promise!"

All of us go silent. What new talent could he mean? What talent could make him so confident?!

"Please Henry?" Nessie tries pleading again, her voice nothing more than a hoarse whisper.

"Mum, please try and understand! I miss all of you so much! I'm not staying away to torture you! I'm staying away to protect you!" Henry's voice takes on a bitter quality at his last few words, no doubt remembering how we said the same thing to him.

"Henry, come home. We need you here," Carlisle says simply. Henry goes quiet again. Carlisle is our only chance. If he won't listen to Carlisle, there's no point in any of us trying to talk him out of it.

"Okay," a quiet whisper. Rose closes her eyes, a huge smile on her face, her little Henry will be back!

I hear a small scuffle going on the other line, a few indignant 'heys' from Henry.

"Cullen's'! We're coming too! If there is even a remote chance the Volturi are going to make an appearance, you know you have us!" Tanya's perky voice comes on the line.

"Tanya?" I exclaim in surprise. I would expect Eleazar to have been the one to convince Henry to go on a solo mission.

"Edward! You have no idea how charming your grandson is! And handsome!" she thrills, causing all of us to laugh, except Nessie and Jake who suddenly become protective.

"Tanya, we'll talk when you get here! Can you put Eleazar on the line?" I ask quickly, before Nessie or Jake say anything.

"Edward?" Eleazar's rich voice greets me.

"Eleazar, how are you?"

"I am fine, Edward. How are you?"

"Good, really good, especially now that I know where Henry is. But I need to know something. This talent Henry is talking about, is it as useful to the Volturi as he seems to think?"

"More," he says simply.

"Are you sure?"

"Edward, do not insult me! Of course I am sure! You think I would fill the child's mind without a good reason?"

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