(Judal x reader) Create

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Disclaimer: I do not own Magi or its characters, all rights reserved.

The yellow fireball smiled at the world below. The pellucid blue sky, with its buoyant clouds being carried by a gentle, ruffling breeze. The swaying trees, and the joyfully singing birds created a beautiful melody appreciated only by those connected to nature. Varieties of wild flowers grew in abundance alongside the vividly green grass. The saccharine fragrance drifting in the air.

You sat amidst the colourful blooms, a black haired Magi watching you upon a tree, munching on a pink, juicy peach. In your hands lay a book, her eyes scanning across it, the soft turns of pages soothes the heart. The Magi crunched his fruit loudly, trying to break your line of thought and concentration. You ignored him, as if you're in your own little world. The man gave a arrogant, 'tch', before throwing the peach core somewhere behind him.

"Aren't you going to say something worm?" He called out.

You turned your face was average, a few blemishes here and there, not the type to be called beautiful. Not the type in this blissful environment to look pretty. Your brown eyes widened in surprise, in a quiet voice, you apologised. Then, you hurriedly sat up and prepared to leave.

"Its not 'sorry', jeez I have a name."

You blushed, and apologised again, then ran as fast as you could away from him. Judar wasn't satisfied with that, he's bored, even if this average girl is his entertainment, be that as it may. He immediately blocked your path by teleporting in front of you. You gave a frightened look, clutching your book with all your might, knuckles turning white.

"What are you reading?" He asked, his dark eyes looking down at you.

"A story..." you replied, standing rigidly hoping he would leave you alone.

The Magi rolled his eyes, "I know that part, what is it about? Staring at it so intently, you almost forgot your superior is here!"

You mumbled a apology again, while the Magi just sighed and and sat down, patting the grass beside him, "sit." You obeyed, placing the book gingerly on the floor.

"Well what is the book about?" He asked impatiently, flicking through the thick pages in boredom.

"Its about an abused and unloved girl that was sucked into a story she was reading. She was given powerful abilities by a cat spirit that was with her. She met handsome, brave characters that all cared about her very much. She is shy about her face, and likes to hide it. However, everyone in the story calls her beautiful when she doesn't cover her face. Many of them fell in love with her, however she didn't notice, and continued to have nightmares and extreme despair die to the past. She went to have lots of adventures with the heroes and were one unloved, and now accepted."

Judal moaned, "boringggggg, where's the war? Where's the madness? Where's the violence?"

"I wish she died."

Judal choked slightly, watching you with surprise and disbelief. You started coldly at the book, and slowly at the Magi.

"I wish she died," you repeated.

"Why?!" Judal asked, a mischievous smile, filled with curiosity formed upon his lips.

"Because she was beautiful. Because she was strong. Oh- how cliche! Why must girls be beautiful in books? It's disgusting how she didn't even realise her own beauty, and just swam in her own despair and sadness of her past. She seek the comfort of others, she seek love from those men. Why did she not realise how amazing it was to be beautiful and strong? Those typical moments when the man turns around just when the wind gently blows her hair, she turns around. BAM. He's in love with her now. 'The light illuminated on her face', 'the beautiful silk dress hugged her body perfectly'. Why are they so beautiful, yet so dense? Why are they so lucky, why are they so special now? Is this the reward she gets for coping so long in hell when she was little? She didn't even do anything to make herself special, strong or beautiful! No sacrifices were made. She just a lucky brat, that doesn't understand what it's like to actually drag themselves out of hell. To her, she was carried gently by a fate to a beautiful world that gave her kindness and love! I hate her! I despise how the author wrote this book. It's just a petty excuse to admit they don't know what it like to be average, unlucky and ignored by others! Wait, what if they understand and it's just a fantasy of what they wished happened to them? Ahah! What am I thinking? No way, a person that truly understands will write about an average girl, who wasn't lucky, who used her own efforts to conquer her adversities. She used her own charm, nor her beauty to make others fall in love with her. She will brush off the past, and hold on to the future as much as she can! She will fight fate with all her own efforts, power and strength!"

You huffed, before collapsing in exhaustion beside Judal. Judal still haven't recovered from your sudden outburst yet, he stared speechless at the quiet girl before. Her eyes slowly shedding tears that rolled off her average face.

"She doesn't understand how it feels..." you whispered, "they don't understand how it feels..."

"But you do right?" Judal stated, "so why not write a book about the woman you wish is in the story? Create the world you want, beneath the pen, tell the world..."

"This is how it should be."
Authors note:

I wrote this sorry to rant about how cliche some fan fiction and books are. Not all girls should be beautiful, we should carry ourselves out of the misery, we're not lucky. Accept it. Lucky people that girl I talked about disgusts me that I don't even bother reading stories like that anymore.

I don't want Judal and this X reader story to be ironic if Judal became interested or in love after words. That's why, did anyone realise... Judal didn't ask for your name.

Sorry about not posting for so long, I haven't been feeling like writing. Thank you for all your support everyone! <3


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