(Kouha x reader) Love is an illusion 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own magi or its characters, I don't own the image either. All rights reserved




How long ago have you felt this feeling?


Who has given you this affection?


Was that a life time ago?

Living in the slums was torture. Alcohol stained the air while the dirt and grime of the streets enters your lungs. Slave traders often tries to capture you, and selling you as a slave. Of course, that never happened, you're good with defending yourself, fighting, even killing if necessary. Yet... the only thing you could not defeat right now is...

Your dying of hunger.

No matter what happens, your pride came first. You're to prideful to steal form the rich, not to even say the poor.

That's when he came, a young man with pink hair, pink eyes and wore white clothes with three maids with bandages followed him. It's a noble.

He reached his hand put to you: "whats your name?"

His voice is gentle, calm and quite high pitched, you wanted to trust him right away.

"(Y/N)," you said quietly, it's been so long since you last said your name. If someone called out to you, you might not even recognise it's was you.

He smiled gently, extending his hands, "do you want to work for me?"

(Y/N) stared at him, surprised at the sudden request, full with suspicion and distrust, you stayed silent.

"Oopsies, I didn't even introduce myself! I'm Kouha, the third prince of kou."

You widened your eyes, however as quickly as you widened them, you returned to your stoic expression. Third prince of kou huh?

"How cute~" he chuckled, "I repeat, do you want to work for me?"

(Y/N) thought about his request, if she works for him, she might get paid, after all she might get-


"Are you hungry?" He asked, "if you work for me there'll be food~"

Pride or hunger?

You had no choice as you gave him a silent nod.

Authors note:
Imma start a little series on Kouha since I had this story inside my head for years, so I'll finally write this to share my thoughts with u guys! Whoopie~~


( various) Magi characters x readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu