(Judal x reader) Reminisce

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Disclaimer: I do not own Magi or its characters, all rights reserved.

Near the glistening, miniature, decorative pool, the springs graceful blossoms swayed in the calm breeze just after a small rain. The sky is frozen in time, clouds barely moving an inch, while the sun glared down at the wet grass, making the wet dew shine. A figure of a woman sat in the shadows of a oak tree, unmoving, not talking, while another muscular male figure lay on a branch.

"Remember the time..." said the female quietly.

"Remember the time we threw peaches at Kouha because he was snoring like a horn outside the gardens while we were trying to have a snack?" Added the male, his mouth curling upwards into a sly grin.

"Or the time you screamed like a girl because you thought the thing next to your pillow was a spider but it was actually your hand?" Whispering the female raising an eyebrow with a smile graced on her lips.

"What about the time you made me sleep with you because you kept thinking there's a huge monster outside your bedroom but in reality it's just some shadow of a dried weed?" He laughed.

"D-dont laugh! You smashed a cream pie on prince Koumei's face, then you stuffed a chopstick up Kouha's nose finally you poured Kougyoku's tea on her new dress!" She squeaked blushing.

"Oh yes- that was a dare," he smirked, " however, I paid back by daring you to run around the palace yelling: 'we need more whipped cream,'".

"All the maids thought I was insane," She giggled.

"I wish these moments could last forever (Y/N)."

"Judal... Stop saying that. The only thing we can do is have a firm grasp on those memories," you said, a shadow crossing your face.

"Are you really going to side with Alibaba?" Judal Asked, his voice getting impatient, filled with anger and betrayal.

"We are not talking about that!" You growled.

"After all those times (Y/N), you chose Alibaba instead of me! We created memories he could not replace," Said Judal, his voice getting increasingly higher.

"It's sad the people who gave you the memories become a memory," you whispered standing up, slowly drawing out your metal vessel.

"You will soon be only a memory."
Authors note:
The only thing I have to say is: Poor Kouha.


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