(Sinbad x reader) Nickname

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Disclaimer: I don't own Magi, the picture, or its characters, all rights reserved.
Skipping through the corridors of the Sindria Palace, you kicked through the Kings door with no hestitation. The door banged the wall, causing a slight dent, the man that sat at the front desk, did not look up. Staring at the purple haired man, you groaned: "You call me here, and you don't even warmly welcome me?"

A sudden dark aurora around Sinbad's body made you slightly tense up, the sudden temperature if the room seems colder, compared to the outside. "Oi, answer me you stupid king," you snapped, walking towards his desk. Slamming both your hands onto the polish wooden table, made the king finally look up.

"(Y/N), how come you always call me 'Stupid King', 'Oi', 'You', 'Silly King', 'Stupid King Of the Seven Seas" and 'The old man of the seven seas!?" He asked, with a trace of hurt as he smiled, sweat dropping, "Why don't you give me a nickname that involves my real name instead of 'stupid' and 'king'?"

"(Y/N), how come you always call me 'Stupid King', 'Oi', 'You', 'Silly King', 'Stupid King Of the Seven Seas" and 'The old man of the seven seas!?" He asked, with a trace of hurt as he smiled, sweat dropping, "Why don't you give me a nickname that...

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"That's because you're name does not make a good nickname," you replied, studying your plain, white dress, "they are so negative."

"What do you mean?! 'Sinbad' means 'Lord Of Sindh'! There's nothing negative about that!!!" He exploded.

"Your name consist of 2 syllables, 'sin' and 'bad'," you replied, lifting two fingers, " 'sin' means an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law. 'Bad' means having a harmful effect on and regretful and guilty. Basically, in your status and your name, it kind of mean: A lord that opposed all law, with no guilt or regret what so ever, conquered the seven seas and became a king."

There was a silence before a slight chuckle, a laugh and then you saw Sinbad roar with laughter as he banged his fist on the table. Wiping a tear, he grinned, "(Y/N), you have the most vivid imagination."

Turning around, you smiled, "you know every sin you've done would be repaid back to you."

"I don't think I've done anything wrong yet," he chuckled, resting his head on his hand.

"What? Weren't you planning to turn the world back into rukh just yesterday?"
Authors note:
Did anyone else notice the way Sinbad's name is constructed? If you did leave a comment! <3

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