I'm sorry

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So recently lots of people is asking me to make part 2 for my various oneshots. I never intended any of them to actually go on. I wanted you guys to think of the ending, as every story has life, and life is full of possibilities. Furthermore, you guys seem to enjoy happy endings with the character, which is understandable. However, remember that not every ending is a happily ever after, remember love is a difficult thing. To tell you guys the truth, none of my oneshots are actually love in first sight either with the characters. Then went through lots together, shed tears and laughs in tough times. Each oneshot could be extended into an entire book. I simply wrote a little piece of the time they spent together, or a big event that changed their lives.

That came to my conclusion that I'm just one of those authors that never finishes a story. We depend on you guys to build the stairs up to you, and the character's lives. How you met, how you two fell in love, how you two spent time together in a short human lifespan. A plot lead you down the corridor of never ending possibilities, a story opens every door along the way.

Each and every one of our thoughts are different, the way we bend and twist the story is up to us too. That's why all my oneshots look unfinished. I simply came up with a plot into the corridor, now it's your turn to make a story to open the doors.


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