(Muu x reader) Love sick

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Disclaimer: I do not own Magi or its characters, all rights reserved.

Walking through the luxurious ball room, ladies and nobles bowed before resuming their activity. Muu felt out of place, surrounded by those of the highest class, none of them a unusually strong warrior with distinctive red hair. The ladies' jewellery glinted and sparkled, tagging along whilst they move to the gentle beat of the orchestra. Gentlemen dressed in fine silks that swayed along with the breeze that playfully slipped into the room.

Chandeliers dangled above people's heads, candles flickering with its soft warmth glowing the guests faces. Feeling alarmed at the grand and majestic ambience of the room, Muu retreated to the quiet and dark balconies. His eyes lit up in recognition and delight as he saw a familiar figure star gazing, ignoring the world behind her.

"Enjoying the party (Y/N)?" Muu asked, a smile creeping up on his lips.

"They say that once each atom of our body is part of a star," you stated bluntly, brushing his question aside.

"Who said that?" Muu asked, sweat dropping.

"I know right? How could our atoms be part of a star? It's scientifically millions or even billions times larger and who knows how far! If I can find that philosopher that said that, I will give him an earful!!!" You yelled, raising a fist angrily at the sky.

Muu sighed with content, watching you chatter excitedly about your passion. It was fun, strangely, hearing a woman talk about stars in the sky he has no interest on. What's that burning feeling in his chest? He better no have caught a cold.

"Hey Muu!" You poked the fanalis's cheek, staring at the pink blush on his face, " I never knew you drink."

"W-What?! But I don't!" Muu protested innocently (He drinks like a fish according to Myron), " I don't know what that burning thing in my chest is, maybe I'm down with fever?"

He watched with surprise and partly with amusement when he saw you blush pink too.

"I didn't know you drink!" He exclaimed, laughing.

"I-I don't!" You stuttered, "that feeling, I think I feel it too. Let's go to the infirmary to check what we are down with!" . Muu nodded in agreement, before walking with you out of the party, into the halls.

Myron popped her head out from the curtain along with Lo'lo'.

"What an improper confession!" Myron complained, while she watched the empty doorway.

"I don't think they are confessing," Lo'lo' mused, earning a glare from the woman.

"They're down with love sickness."
Authors note:



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