(Kouha x reader) Night light

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Disclaimer: I do not own Magi or its characters, all rights reserved.

It was after a long day, you and Kouha could finally retreat to his chambers for rest. You could literally fall asleep on the velvet carpet if it wasn't for being Kouha's finance. After entering the luxurious bedroom you two shared, away form the outside world, you groaned flopping on the bed. Earning a chuckle from Kouha as he sat on the side.

"(Y/N), you'll catch a cold if you don't go under the covers," Kouha chided, pulling the soft covers over you. You could only hum a tired reply, digging your face inside the pillows. You waited for Kouha to go slip inside the covers too, however, he stood up.

"Where are you going?" You asked exhausted.

"I got some other work I need to attend to, so good night honey," he whispered, patting your head. You were about to collapse back on the bed, before jumping up alarmed at what he's going to do next.

Extinguish the lamp.

"Wait! Don't extinguish the lamp!" You yelled desperately, suddenly energetic, leaping yourself at the lamp in Kouha's hands.

"But you can't sleep properly with such a bright light!" He protested, watching you fall to the floor, "wait, are you scared of the dark?!"

Going red with embarrassment, you could only clamber back on the bed and hide under the covers (Closest thing to dying under a hole at hand).


"We slept plenty of times without the night light," Kouha stayed, trying to pull the sheets off you.

"We!" You whined, "I can sleep without a light with you but, you're busy tonight." Feeling the tugs stop, you peeped from the sheets to find Kouha... grinning?

"Does that make me your night light?" He teased, flopping beside you, while you gave him a hug, "I guess it doesn't hurt doing it later." True to your word, you fell asleep in the darkness in Kouha's embrace, and his work?

Oh hell no, he didn't touch it.
Authors note:

Request by @Luna_Midnight8! I hope you enjoyed this Kouha x reader <3


( various) Magi characters x readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum