Chapter 23 - Save Us.

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Lyla, Crystal and Mauritus were out in town together, just about a week after Marina's birth. They went to buy some things for Marina with some money that she saved.

"Okay so we need a crib, some soft toys, a cute little blanket, nappies and some other stuff." Lyla said.

"Yep." Crystal said.

"Thanks for tagging along girls." Mauritius said.

"Anytime." Crystal said.

Two Hours Later.

They three of them were walking back to Lyla's car. They made a turn in an alley way.

"Ugh I hate alleys." Lyla said.

"Eh they're okay." Mauritius said.

Just as Crystal and Mauritus were getting into Lyla's car, two people dressed in black holding knives came up behind them.

"Boo." One of them said.

Lyla saw them.

"Crystal, Mauritus stay in the car. Under no circumstances will you come out."

Crystal and Mauritus are frozen in fear.

"I said stay in the car!"

Still frozen.

"Fine," Lyla says.

Lyla hands Crystal a knife from the boot, and Mauritus a bow and a quiver of arrows.

"Try your best not to get killed," Lyla says.

Mauritus laughs.

"Now we're talking!!"

"Gosh, calm down." Crystal said, shaking.

One of them go after Lyla whilst the other goes after Crystal and Mauritus.

One of them looked familiar to Lyla but she couldn't quite crack it.

The one who went to Crystal and Mauritus struck first. Crystal blocked their strike with a strong defence.

Mauritus climbed a nearby drain pipe and shot from above. She lost sight of him. Then she smelt a sicky sweet smell, felt as if she...was being carried, and fell out of consciousness.

You could see their wrists as they struck. The person carrying Mauritus has a tattoo that had the name 'Oliver' written on it. Lyla saw this fact. She was suspicious.

Lyla knew what she had to do, she knew very well.

Lyla grabbed the arm of her attacked and pulled up her sleeve to see if they had a tattoo. They did. The tattoo said, 'Alex'. It was the person, the person who killed her mother. 

Lyla filled with rage. She attacked the person pushing her to a brick wall. The person was wearing a mask, as was the other one. Lyla takes of the mask of her attacker.

The person is female. She has short light blonde hair and blue eyes.

Lyla shouts,

"Crystal, take off the attacker's mask!"

And so Crystal grabs the mask off of the person.

The person is male. He has dark hair and blue eyes.

Lyla and Crystal recognize the two attackers. They knew them. In the moment of realization the female grabs Crystal and knocks her out.

"NO!" Lyla shouts.

The female and male run off, Lyla chasing them.

They reach a black van, on gets into the front, one in the back, quickly loading the unconscious bodies. Mauritus and Crystal's faces were blank. This creeped Lyla out.

They drive off. Lyla's best friends, gone.

Lyla loses hope. She calls Jacob and Lukas. Explains.

Calls Kyle. He doesn't pick up.

Calls Kaitlyn. Explains to her. Tells her to explain it all to Kyle. Lyla has something on her mind.

Lyla asks a question to Katliyn,

"Do you like  Kyle Allen?"

"Sorry Lyla. I do."

"Don't be. I broke up with him."


"Hey Kait."


"Ask him out."

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