Chapter 11 - Say What?!

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And they did. In fact, the entire month went fast. But no matter how long life moves on, the memory of Ryder Woodgate will be there. Forever. They may not think about him all the time, but his memory is still there.

At the time Mauritus was about three months in and prom was just around the corner.

Lyla was fully healed.

And Crystal and Lukas were still going strong, as was Lyla and Kyle.

Mauritus and Jacob started to hang out a lot more.

"Lyla, Mimi, prom is literally like in a weeks time! We need to get dresses. NOW!" Crystal said.

"Okay okay calm down," Lyla said.

"You guys go, I don't think I can go," Mauritus said.

"Wt... why? It's a prom!" Crystal said.

"The baby..." She said.

"Don't fret," Lyla said, "You are going to go,"

"I don't have a date," Mauritus said.

"And that's a problem because?..." Crystal said.

"You can hang out with us, as in Crystal and Lukas, and Kyle and me. We promise not to make you like a fifth wheel."

"You would do that for me?" Mauritus said.

"Who wouldn't?!" Crystal said.

"Lots of people..." Mauritus said.

"Well forget about them. C'mon lets go!"

Crystal got:

A long, green dress with gold embroidery. The length was just about up to her feet. The dress suited her like a glove.

Mauritus got:

A short sparkling dress with some matching sparkly trainers and black thigh-high socks. She also had a lot of glitter on her cheekbones. She chose that dress because it disguised her pregnancy.

Lyla got:

A blacktopped dress with the length to her feet. The dress had a simple black belt and the skirt was dark at the top and got lighter as it went down.

Crystal got strapped heels but Lyla absolutely hates heels so she got simple black trainers.


Jacob, Lukas, and Kyle also went suit shopping together for the prom.

They had the same conversation as the girls did, Jacob didn't want to go because he didn't have a date and Lukas and Kyle said that Jacob could tag along.

Lukas and Kyle also bought corsages for their dates.

Kyle got an extra one so...

"Hey, Jacob take this." He said.

"But why? I don't have a date!" Jacob said.

"Just... take it and give it to someone special, someone worthwhile, if they don't have a date of course," Kyle said.

"Yeah, you never know what might happen at the prom..." Lukas said.

"True.." Jacob took the corsage anyway and thought of Mauritus. He realized he still liked her.

Kyle called Lyla and...

"The plan is in motion. He took the corsage." He said.

"Great! We got Mimi a prom outfit and trust me, she looks amazing." Lyla said.

"Cool ttyl." He said.

"Cya." She said.

Then Lyla turned to Crystal and whispered,

"The plan is in motion."

"Good. Time for that princess to find her true love," said Crystal.

"Ugh, do we have to use the word princess?" Lyla said.

"Yes now let's stop talking like this before Mimi gets suspicious."


Lyla then dropped Mauritus and Crystal off at their houses and well Kyle ran the guys home.

Mauritus' parents became slightly more supportive once they'd found out that she was pregnant. But she didn't know why. She thought it was time to find out.

"Hey, Mum," Mauritus said.

"Yeah?" Her mum said.

"Why are you treating me like this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, like a year ago you and dad like, hated me and now it's like you guys love me."

"Well, I guess people change."

"Hm...okay so thank you for telling me the lie, now tell me the truth."

"Fine...okay, how can I shorten this down? You and Misty were meant to be the younger kids."


"Shh, honey calm down. If you calm down I'll tell you everything."

"Fine. Tell me."

"Well, I was pregnant when I was about your age."

"With dad?"

"Well... no."

"With who?"

"That's a story for another time."

"Fine but please, carry on"

"You were meant to have an older brother. We were going to call him Noah."

"Noah Maritime."

"Well no... Noah Murphy."


"I met your dad about eight or nine years after your 'big brother' died."

"But that doesn't sum up why you are being nice."

"Well, when we started to be mean to you, your father and I were arguing, a lot. He would vent out his anger on me and you and then my anger on you, but not on your twin."


"Because you look more like Noah. Different."

"That's stupid."

"Yeah...anyway, the reason I'm being nice to you is that I don't want you to go through the same things as me. It's really painful."

Mauritus hugs her mother.

"Thank you."

"...You're welcome..."

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