Chapter 10 - Hospital

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A couple of days later Lyla wakes up from her coma. The first person she sees is Mauritus.

"Hey," Lyla says

"Hi, how are you feeling?" Mauritius says.

"Like I need to kill Ryder. But I can't." She says, "How are you doing?"

"I've been better. You know you flatlined like twice. You scared me."

"Yeah, it's hard to stay alive when you are smashed into a brick wall. What happened with Ryder?"


"Orange always suited him"


"Cheer up, when I get out of this place, you, me and Crystal are going to have a girls day or something like that."

"But you hate girls day."

"I also said something like that," Lyla said. Then she looks towards the doctor "Can I see everyone else Dr?"

"Yeah sure."

Everyone else walks in and they all see Lyla.

"You scared me," Kyle said.

"Hey it's only fair, you did the same to me"

Everyone, even the doctor laughed.

Lyla's parents burst in. "Oh honey! What happened?"

"Oh... hey..."

"Lyla, what happened?"

"Ask the idiot who did this." Kyle muttered.

"Sorry, what did you say Kyle?" Lyla's mum said.

"Just, nothing" Kyle replied. When the doctor wasn't looking, he sped out of the hospital room somewhere but no one but Kyle himself knew.

"Ryder Woodgate." Lukas said.

"Wait isn't that your..." Lyla's Dad said.

"Ex. He's a cheater." Mauritus said.

"Oh well, I'm sorry." Lyla's mum said.

"Yeah, well, it isn't your fault." Mauritus said.

"Anywho..." Crystal said, "Let's change the topic."

"Yeah." Lyla said, "Hey doc, when can I be released."

"About a week. But you will need crutches."

"But what about sports?" Lyla said.

"I'm afraid you can't do any sports for about three weeks after you get discharged."

"Great." Lyla said, "I just hope these next four go as fast as possible."

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