Chapter 9 - Cheat...

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About a year later, Ryder and Lyla were working at a coffee shop called Fresh Brew.

They normally come together and leave together.

Every day they come, put on an apron and start taking and making orders. Lyla normally takes them and Ryder makes them.

One day they come to work on their regular white shirts and black trousers and they put on their brown aprons.

"Hey, Lyla, is Mimi coming later?"

"Yeah, she is."

"Can you um... tell her to like... not come today?"


Lyla thought there was something fishy going on.

Lyla texted Mauritus to definitely come. Mauritus said that she will at closing time. She then said to tell Ryder that she loves him.

Lyla got started and took orders. Ryder started on making the orders. Lyla's last order was from a girl called Kate Sanchez. She comes to Fresh Brew quite frequently. She ordered a Spiced Pumpkin Latte with a Chocolate Glazed Doughnut. Ryder gets her order ready but without Lyla knowing, he wrote on the tissue, 'Stay until closing time.'

After he gave Kate her order Lyla said, "Hey Ryder I'm just going to go get changed into something different then we can go."

"Yeah sure take all the time you need," Ryder said, sounding innocent.

Lyla still knew that there was something fishy going on. And something different about Ryder. She knew what it was, just couldn't decipher completely what.

Once she had come out of the bathroom she saw something.

She saw Ryder with his arm around Kate passionately. She heard Ryder say, "I love you, Kate"

She couldn't believe what she just heard. Her best friend, being cheated on!

Lyla snuck out through the back door and went outside where she saw Mauritus in her usual top and joggers.

"Hey, Lyla!" She said, seeming so peppy. Lyla didn't want to break her heart but it was what she needed to do.

"Mimi...there is something I need to show you. You won't like it." Lyla said.


Lyla showed her Ryder and Kate, who were then kissing, through the glass window. Once they were done kissing Ryder saw Mauritus, who was in tears.

She started to walk off.

With Kate and Ryder, Kate finished kissing him.

She was about to kiss him again, when he stopped.

"He did it again, didn't he,"

"Just shut your trap and kiss m-" She was cut off by Ryder slamming the door, running after Mauritus.

Just as he was going to pass Lyla she pins him to the wall and says,

"Don't you think that you've done enough? What were you thinking? I would kill you right now but your new girlfriend would be in tears. Oh, wait she already is. Let me guess, you were dating them both at the same time?"

"It wasn't m- I mean it's complicated, okay!?"

"Ugh'm not going to say it."

Ryder then gets up and throws Lyla into the brick wall with a thud.

He covers his mouth and stares at his hands.

"Oh God...I'm sor- oh wait, gotta go fast!"

Ryder then runs to catch up with Mauritus and stops her.

"Mauritus wait!"

She stops. And then punches Ryder hard, in the nose. It starts bleeding.

"How could you?!" She says, crying, "Why? Why would you throw everything away? The parties, the fun times, the movies on the sofa, the baby..."

"Mauritus I'm sorry...WHAT?!"

"Just don't. Two months already. I'll raise it on my own."


"Wait, where's Lyla?"

Mauritus turns around and sees her best friend bleeding a lot and unconscious.

"What. Did. You. Do." Mauritus fumed.

Ryder tries to explain, but, but she used the trick Lyla gave her a few years ago and pins him against the ground. By now, she is covered in blood and dust.

Lyla then wakes up with a big gasp and says,


Mauritius calls Kyle, still pinning Ryder to the ground, and he comes on a motorbike.

She stands up, lifts Lyla's limp body from the gound not knowing that Ryder was still conscious.

Kyle then looks at Lyla in her best friend's arms, bleeding.

"WHO DID THIS?!" He said angrily, "WHO?!"

Ryder scrambles over the wall, to his so-called 'freedom'.

"Ryder." Mauritus said, "He just chea-." She turns around. "He's gone!"

"Mimi... Lyla's a priority here..."

"NO! We need to catch him!" She yells almost over the wall.

She sees him crying in a shop doorway, and they make brief eye contact. His lips move, but she couldn't work out what he said.

She falls, into Kyle's arms and as she tries again, to find out what he said, Kyle has to restrain her. He gives her a look and she calms down, dissolving into tears.

"Mimi, hold on to me and don't let go,"

"Um... okay. Sniff."

Barry zooms them to Midvale Infirmary.

Mauritus calls Jacob, Crystal, Lukas and Lyla's parents and told them the bad news, still in tears. This has had to be the worst day ever.

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