Chapter 4 - Saturday!

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The doorbell rings at Lyla's family home.

"Hey Lyla!" Mauritus and Jacob said together.

"Oh you guys came together...?" Lyla said.

"Yeah, I picked her up from her house," Jacob said.


Lyla knew that Jacob liked Mauritus but wasn't sure if Mauritus liked him back. She thought not to say anything to Mauritus but she talked to Jacob about her.

"Come on in guys!" She said.

Lyla's house was a medium sized house, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 living rooms and so on.

They all went up to Lyla's room and started talking.

"Hey, when are you going to teach that move to us?" Jacob asked.

"When our last guest comes," Lyla replied.

"Last guest?" Mauritus said, "I thought that it was just us three,"

"You'll see," Lyla said.

The doorbell rings again.

"And there she is!" She said

Lyla grabs her keys, runs down the stairs and opens the door.

"Hey, Crystal!" Lyla said.

"Hi, Lyla!" Crystal answered, "Thanks for inviting me!"

"Don't mention it!" Lyla said back.

Lyla and Crystal walk to Lyla's room

"Oh hey... Crystal is it?" Jacob said.

Mauritus waved again, Crystal giggled and waved back, a lot less shyly this time.

"Hi!" She replied.

"Hey, Crystal!" Mauritus said.

They carried on talking and whatnot and Crystal told them about her life...

Crystal said,

"So I just moved to this city like, last week. Some...things happened in my old school so we had to move."

"Oh." Mauritus said, "So, do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah, actually a brother called Charlie," She replied.

Lyla saw the look on Jacob's face as he looked at Mauritus as she chatted merrily to the others, smiling and laughing. That was a face of pure admiration and amour. Lyla couldn't take it anymore. She needed to talk to Mauritus.

"Hey um... Mimi?" Lyla began, "Can we talk in private in the living room?"

"Yeah, sure..." Mauritus replied.

They both walked downstairs and walked into one of the two living rooms.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Mauritus said.

"Jacob," Lyla said.

Mauritus looked puzzled. At last, she finally said, "Jacob is rather an odd topic but, please do go on."

Lyla explained everything that Jacob had told her about Mauritus. She was shocked.

"This can't be true Lyla..." Mauritus said.

"It is. You know me I don't lie." Lyla replied.

"But you have no evidence. And if you ask Jacob if he likes me he would just say no."

"I recorded our conversation, with his permission of course. He was worried that you wouldn't believe us either. He said that he fell in love with you as he got to know you better throughout the year. But of course, he had a huge reputation to maintain."

Lyla plays the conversation between her and Jacob.

"Do you like him back?" Lyla said, "I can see it in your eyes."

"No," Mauritus said. "Okay, maybe a tiny bit."

"Now that you know it won't be the same will it?"

"Nope. But I'll act as if I never knew."


They walk up to Lyla's room and for a while the just played video games and talked. Soon enough it was time for everyone to go. Crystal went first. Then...

"Hey, Mimi, shall I walk you home?" Jacob asked.

Mauritus blushed.

"That would be great," Mauritus answered, beaming.

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