Chapter 5 - The Old Neighbour.

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Mauritus wakes up to her alarm beeping like crazy

"Another day, another problem, another--"

Mauritus gets a phone call from Ryder Woodgate, her childhood best friend and old neighbor.

Ryder Woodgate and Mauritus Maritime were the best of buds until Mauritus had to move away. He was going through the same type of things as Mauritus, hated by both parents and another sibling was favored. She recognized the number instantly.

"Oh my! Is this Ryder Woodgate?!" Mauritus asked.

"You know it." Ryder replied.

"Ryder it's been a year," She began, "Why didn't you call me before?!"

"Well, a lot of things have happened over the past year like being disowned by my parents and being adopted into a really nice family and maybe being homeless for a long while." He said.

"Well, I'm glad that you are okay now," Mauritius said.

"Mimi, I missed you. A lot." 


"I have big news."


"I'm moving to Midvale."

"Oh my Lord!!"

"What school do you go to?"

"Midvale High."

"I'm coming to that school!"

"AH! Can't wait!!"

"Mimi, I need to confess something."

"What?" Mauritus was full of glee.

"I-I like you. More than in a friend way, and I have felt like this ever since--" Ryder said.

"Krrrsh. You're breaking off. Krrrrsh. B-Bye..."

Mauritus flopped onto her pillow and started to cry.

Mauritus then called Lyla and explained everything.

"Mimi, it's okay. Don't worry, I know how you feel..."

"But how?"

"That's a story for another day."

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