~Chapter 8: Who to Blame

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Reese's POV
It's been about six months since I met Vimen, a hell of a lot happened since then. A lot of crying and pain but a lot of laughing and cheer as well.
One of the biggest changes is how I view Vimen. At first it made me uncomfortable but I've come to except that I might...MIGHT like him. He's been the only constant supporter in the past six months. He comforted me when I had a breakdown. I was tired all the time, staying in bed and not talking to anyone, not even really wanting to function. He didn't judge, just stayed while I cried and cried.
I sighed and pushed myself off the bed, I decided instead of being bored I'd bother someone. Of course the first person that came to mind was Vimen.
I could just tell what expression he had on his face and smirked to myself. With his back still to me he responded, "what?"
"I miss my family, I want to see them. I smirked to myself, I knew he didn't want to take me out of the demon world but every time he said no to me he felt bad so either way I win.
What can I say? Boredom can change a person, and he's fun to annoy.
He sighed, "Fine, Ill take you"
Huh.......? That's new.
"They should be informed of your....uh...situation anyway"
Huh...? Oh crap...! I visibly paled.
They don't know I'm a demon......
I guess I didn't win this time.
Filler chapters might not be interesting but they're importantttttt. The next chapter will be much better. Thank you for reading, please vote or comment. Also I'll be starting another story soon so keep an eye out! Thank you once again for reading let me know what you think will happen!

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