~Chapter 5: In Death we will Part

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Reese's POV
A few hours have passed since we've started "preparing" which basically was a bunch of official crap I had no interest in, meeting the higher-ups of the coven. All while fasting so I don't vomit, apparently dying and being revived is a bit hard on the stomach.
I took a drink of my water and looked around doing a visual scan of the room. Setting my glass down I stalked over to Karta. "Is it time yet?" I asked behind him and he turned around and scanned over me.
"Still nervous?" He asked simply.
"Obviously" I brooded.
He gently took my hand in his and started rubbing the back of my hand soothingly with his thumb, "I'll never let you die" he said reassuringly, but that didn't reassure me. He then leaned in and kissed my cheek.
"I'm going to shower and I'll be back" I announced and left up to my room.
I looked out to the dark forest, why do I feel so uneasy? I kicked the balcony and sighed. I better get downstairs; I turned around when I was suddenly grabbed from behind. A rough hand slammed against my mouth as I tried to scream.
"Ugh, just stay still little pissant!" A rough voice belonging to an unknown man. I kept struggling and kicking; he was strong but I'll be damned if I was about to give up. Quickly I used the mobility of my legs and kicked against the wall, forcing both of us backwards. He toppled over the balcony and was forced to loosen his grip. I tried to get away but he yanked my hair and we both fell over the balcony. After that, all I remember is hitting hard and being knocked out.
Everything was black until I started to gain consciousness, if you could call it that. My eyes were clenched shut and all I could feel was pain, a throbbing pain starting from my head and radiating down my body. Then the buzzing in my ears started to fade and I heard someone arguing.
"I said to bring him to me alive not half dead with his head split open!" An angry man said.
Then another man yelled out, "I had no choice! He forced me off the balcony!"
The angry man sighed out harshly, "stupid! I should've done it my damn self".
I felt my breathing slow down and the voices started to fade out again, "Fuck I guess there's no choice in the matter anymore".
I felt my body spasm and I coughed out blood.
"Sorry, I'll make the pain stop just relax"
I felt who I assumed was the man grab both sides of my head with his hands; they felt so warm... only then did I realize how cold I was. Then I felt something in my throat and I started to choke, "swallow, you need to swallow it!" When I kept gagging, the man leaned over me to hold my nose closed being unable to breathe I choked down the liquid that had a strong metallic taste...and then I realized what it was...
It was blood.
Ooooh plot twist! I hope you like! Let me know what you think what happened 😱.

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