~Chapter 25: Trust-Missed

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*Not Edited*
Third Person POV

Everyone in the room paled from Vimen's announcement but they had no time to dawdle as Reese was injured and in labor.
Vimen quickly picked up Reese and cleared the kitchen table. After that Vimen sighed, "Haidel please get me some hot towels, hot water, Clamps and sterile instruments". Vimen ordered and Haidel ushered out of the room to get the supplies.
Karta ripped opened Reese's clothes earning Vimen to grab his wrist in a tight possessive grip. Karta looked in Vimen's eyes, "you might not trust me completely but I'm the only one with any kind of medical experience right now." Vimen growled, but nodded and helped him remove Reese's clothes. Reese whimpered from the pain of the glass and from his labor. Karta looked at it and then at his hands, clenching his fist he pulled out the shards of glass from Reese's side, blood came pouring out.
"What the hell do you think you're doing ?! He could bleed out!" Vimen screamed at Karta.

Karta ran into his room and came out with a bottle of purple liquid. He sighed, "I didn't want it to have to come to this..." his brows furrowed, he opened the bottle, held his nose shut and forced the mysterious liquid down his throat, as soon as he finished he threw the glass and it shattered across the floor. He looked Vimen in the eyes, "When I pass out, cut my babies out of me" he said in a serious tone and Vimen gasped as he saw Karta's eyes glow purple. Karta rushes over to Reese and sliced open his wrist. He let the blood pour over his wounds and to Vimen's amazement Reese healed. Reese breathed in deeply and looked at Karta, "w-what'd you do?"
Karta gasped as he fell over, his hand slamming the counter. Vimen looked in horror as his stomach grew larger. Karta grabbed hi stomach and looked at Haidel as he rushed in the room with towels.
"I trust you" he said as he fell back unconscious.

I'll update sooon! Got some inspiration! Enjoy!

Winter Fire *under editing and improvement*Where stories live. Discover now