~Chapter 7: Gone was the Human

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It had been 3 months since I met Vimen, when he told me what happened I had worried he lied like Karta but everything proved true.
The physical changes into an incubus took longer than a vampire or werewolf. It started with a light feeling in my body, then my skin started to scab and I woke up with a tail, Vimen laughed when I freaked out and showed me his to let me know it was normal. 3 weeks later my back was burnt so bad you could swear I was in a fire. The pain was excruciating, it had lasted for days and as quick as it came it was gone. Vimen then taught me to hide the wings that came with it. Those were probably the biggest changes. My temper had shortened and a few days I was like a fuse waiting to blow. I had fought with several people usually nothing too big but there were sometimes Vimen had to step in, that was probably the part that bothered me the most.

I mentally groaned as my tail whacked itself again my bedding. I still haven't gotten the hang of it , much to Vimen's displeasure.
As for my "needs" he wouldn't tell me yet and always said "in time". He always had a "wake shake" as he called it ready for me in the morning; when I asked what it was he just shrugged me off mumbling, "nutrients".
One night I was fed up enough and googled 'incubus' hoping google would have the answers but Vimen of course stopped me before I found anything useful.
I knew he was hiding something but every time I brought it up and told me to drop it. All google had to offer was that apparently incubi were myths, useful.
I found myself spiraling like usual, annoyed I went to the kitchen and got some water. I was alone, everyone had errands. I decided it was time to be sneaky. I tiptoed to Vimen's room despite no one being there. I grabbed the door handle and snuck in his room
A strong smell immediately violated my senses, I couldn't pinpoint it but it was musty.
I immediately went over to his desk, scanning over it I grabbed what looked like his most used book and opened it. After a few pages I surmised it was just a diary. Feeling unsatisfied I flipped to the end, this page caused my interest to increase. It had only 3 words written.
'I found her'.
It was then I heard the door unlock. Quickly putting the book back and dashing to the kitchen. "We're back!" Petri , (the guy who split my head open ) announced from the front door.
"I could tell" I chucked.
Let me know what you think is gonna happen next! Votes and comments are appreciated!

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