~Chapter 3: Lucky Me

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Karta was breathing heavily. Obviously upset; but  his pheromones are what scared  me though they affected me in a way I've never felt before and I panicked, my knees buckled and I fell to the ground. Trying to calm myself I wrapped my arms around my body. I heard a gasp and warm arms wrapped around me, " i'm sorry Reese I forgot how much my pheromones would affect you". I sighed but it came out more of a whimper. He pulled me closer to him and looked at my brother and his mate, "Who are you?" He asked, his voice calm but territorial. My brother stuttered;  a first for him, " I-I'm his brother Ritz". At this my mate calmed down and looked at my brother's mate.
" I'm supposing you're his mate" his voice full of relief and understanding. My brother's mate just nodded. I shivered and moved away from Karta,
" I wanna go home" I said tiredly.
He nodded and rubbed my arm in a soothing motion, " OK, we can go pick your belongings up tomorrow."
I nodded and hugged my brother, " i'm glad you finally got your mate". He smiled and leaned into his mate contently.
About an hour later we arrived at his  coven. Apparently he was high up in status. Everyone we came across so far bowed and was super respectful. We were silent the whole ride. Has the car ride was coming to an end and we were near his...I guess "our" home he suddenly asked, " you're scared right? Of the Vampire mating bond". I had a feeling he already knew the answer but I simply looked at him and nodded.
"It's scary because I would literally have to die right? At least for a few minutes."
he nodded, " well, once my blood enters you it will consume your body and stop your heart but once I mark you your heart will jumpstart and will eventually turn you into a pure blood like me".
I stayed Silent and he sighed to himself, " I know it's scary but I would never let anything bad happen to you".
I lean back into the chair and looked out the car window, so many people, lots of them with mates. Not only that, but I see a lot of mixed species mated.  Including Werewolves, Fae, Werecats and much more.
After some silence, I spoke first this time, " so are you some kind of Lord or something?" He smiled and looked at me for a slight second, " I guess you could say that." He post and stop the car and shift the gear into park," i'm the leader of this particular coven...for now."
I blinked in shock, "for now?".
He opened his door and then mine, " Yeah, when my father steps down I'll be the king of the entire southern vampire species."
I stared at him so long I believed I would've burned holes through his skull.
That's it....
I'm completely and entirely screwed....
Thank you for reading! The foundation of this story is almost set and then the more fun stuff comes. I hope you're enjoying it so far so let me know! I'll update again tomorrow so have a good night/day.

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