Chapter 15 - Fight

Start from the beginning

"No problem. We'll stay here till you guys get back. A lot of them seem a bit shaken up after seeing their principal butchered in front of them." Yoongi explained. Jungkook nodded in agreement with him.

"Jungkook..." Jae mumbles lowering his head.

"Be careful...and beat that motherfuckers ass. But mostly be careful." Jae said giving him an encouraging smile.

"I will." Jungkook said running through the doors and out to the hall while the others went to locker rooms until the four return.

As Jungkook walked out he immediately heard screaming and ran to the source. Upon seeing the killer dragging Ms. Kim by the hair while Jimin and Mr. Kim were relentlessly hitting him but it seemed to not even phase him.

The killer raised his hand and struck Mr. Kim across the face cause the man to fall into the floor stunned.

"E'dwan!" Hyuna yelled trying to reach for the man but the killer's grip was too strong.

Jimin backed away slightly in shock going to the ground and trying to help Mr. Kim up. The killer took that opportunity to raise his machete over his head. Jungkook saw this and quickly ran in their direction and without even a second thought he used his elbow to hit the killer in his throat. The man immediately let go of Ms. Kim's hair and held his throat with his machete still in hand.

"Come on let's go!" Jungkook said pulling both Hyuna and E'dwan to their feet as Jimin assisted.

"Quick let's G-" Jungkook tried to get them to hurry so they could get back to the others but to his surprise the killer stood in their way. Blocking their path and just standing there like a statue with his head tilted.

"I hit you in the throat. How could you be fine so quickly?" Jungkook mumbled to himself. As the killer started to take slow steady steps towards them.

"Jungkook we gotta move!" Jimin yelled. Grabbing him by his uninjured arm and pulling him up the stairs to the second floor with the teachers right beside them. They stood in the halls pondering where to go but as slow heavy footsteps echoed through the silent halls they decided to run into one of the classroom closest to the cafeteria and hide blocking the door with the teachers desk."

"This isn't good." Jungkook huffed clutching onto his injured arm.

"Why did you come out here?" Jimin mumbled.

"Let me look at that wound sweetie." Ms. Kim said sitting Jungkook in one of the chairs to examine his wound.

"Okay thank you. Um Jimin what did you say?" Jungkook asked wondering if Jimin was okay.

"Why did you come out! Why did you risk your life like that?!? Do you not want to fucking live? What if something worse had happened to you? You already got shot in the fucking arm!" Jimin yelled at Jungkook. The three looked at the boy in shock, he didn't notice that he was crying but they did.

"Jimin I did it because..." Jungkook trailed off. He didn't know how to say it.

"Because what? You wanted to play the fucking hero?" Jimin spat.

"No that's not it."

"Then what is it Jungkook?" Jimin asked finally noticing the tears running down his face.


"Just forget it." Jimin said going to the back of the classroom and sitting by himself. He can't explain why he is crying or why he got upset like that and he was afraid to even wonder why.

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