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Dean's for you: Sweetheart

"Oh, c'mon, honey," Dean complained as I pulled him into the coffee shop.

"I don't like that. And stop complaining! I need my coffee!"

"Well, what do you like?"

I paused and Dean picked up on my hesitation.


"You called me sweetheart when you first met me, I like that."

"You still remember that?"

I nodded, blushing slightly.


Dean put an arm around my shoulder and steered me towards the door.

"Well, sweetheart, let's get you some coffee, shall we?"

Yours for Dean: Charming

"Hey, Cinderella, you left your shoe behind," Dean paused and looked at the shred of leather and rubber, "or what's left of it."

"Thanks, Charming, I'll just put that right on my foot after a Wendigo shredded it."

Dean smirked.

"I know you're being sarcastic, but I kinda like that nickname."

"You sap."

"Oh, shut up."

"Will do, Charming."

Sam's for you: Cutie pie

"Aw, you're so cute!"

I stamped my foot as Sam laughed at the mess I had gotten myself into. I had dropped a bag of flour on my head attempting to make a pie for Dean.

"It's not funny, Sam!"

"Well, now I have the perfect thing to call you!"

"And what is that?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Cutie Pie!"

The flour I threw in his face shut him up and we ran around the bunker throwing things at each other and yelling ridiculous nicknames. For some reason, Cutie Pie stuck!

Yours for Sam: Romeo

I had climbed up a tree to be a better look out for the boys digging up a grave below. I decided to check in.

"Hey, Sam, you there?"

No answer. I sighed and called in again.

"Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?"

His deep voice came through the walkie-talkie.

"I'm here, we burned the bones."

"K, cool, I'm headed down."

"Okay, and Y/N?"



"Oh, yeah, lover boy, that's definitely going to be your new nickname."

Castiel's for you: Beautiful

I settled myself deeper into Castiel's arms, cherishing his warmth and arms around me.

"You're so beautiful," I heard him quietly murmur.

I twisted myself around to look in his stunningly blue eyes.

"No, you're beautiful," I said, my words slurring, as I was still half asleep.

"No, I think this will be your thing."

I squinted at him, confused. He continued.

"Like your name?"

I opened my eyes more.

"Like a nickname?"

"Yes, it's very suiting to the most beautiful woman in the world."

I smiled at his sweet words.

"Kiss me, Angel."

Your nickname for Castiel: Angel

"It's irony, Cas."

He nodded somewhat understanding, "That is one of your favorite types of humour."

I chuckled.

"Absolutely. I'm calling you an angel because its a cute nickname and because, well, you're an angel."

Castiel smiled, "Alright then, beautiful."

Gabriel's for you: Sweet Pea

"Come here, sweet cheeks," Gabriel said, smirking.

I raised an eyebrow.

"I admire your dedication to everything sweet, but I do not like that."

Gabriel drew closer, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"What do you like then?"

I thought about it, then answered with a slight smile.

"What about Sweet Pea?"

Gabriel kissed me, then murmured, "Sweet Pea, I like that."

Yours for Gabriel: Sugar

"C'mon, can you? Please?"

Gabriel drew out the please and added his puppy eyes to double the effect. Of course, it worked.

"Hang on, sugar, I'm coming."

I sat on the couch and placed his head in my lap.

"Ah, the good ol' fashioned head rub."

I hummed a unintelligible response and kept running my hands through his golden hair.

"And, by the way, definitely keep calling me that."

I smirked slightly, placing a kiss on his forehead.

"Anything you want, sugar."

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