Chapter 142: Bloody War! Eliminate The Captains!

Start from the beginning

Without hesitation, Issei's dragon shot cuts through the vampire's plain magic blasts and heads for them. A colossal explosion soon erupts that wipes the troops to dust. "Ah-ha!" Issei grins and pumps his fist in the air "Take that! Nothing can beat m-" he is interrupted by a petite body speeding from the right and collides with him, sending both smashing to the ground in a comical fashion.

"Uhhhh," Issei groans and wince "What the hell..." he slowly hits him, feeling the entire right side of his body aching. It felt like he was just hit by a boulder made of titanium. Issei looks to the side and is surprised to see Koneko sited there, staring at him blankly, barely looking injured beside from a few cuts. "Koneko?" Issei stands up and offers a hand which the Rook takes "What happened?" he asks, pulling the small girl to her feet "Found a captain, Danut" she merely answers.

Before Issei can inquire more, his expression turns sharp as well does Koneko. Both immediately split by jumping to the side. A figure comes blasting from the sky and crashes at the positioned the Pawn, and Rook stood. A cloud of dust ignites, and rocks explode to the air by the collision.

Issei sticks the landing and slides back a little before hunching forward to stop the momentum. He looks across to Koneko "Is that him?!" he shouts and gets a nod in return. "Decide to run away for backup?! I expect nothing less from a little girl!" a rugged voice exclaims inside the dust "I'm not little," Koneko mutters, irked by the comment from the Captain while Issei just chuckles at the cute annoyed expression on the Rook's face.

Thudding footsteps produce inside the dust and out walk a huge man holding a war hammer on his broad shoulders. The eight-feet tall warrior is clad with heavy and bulky black steel armor though a helmet is absent. Judging by his face, he is a middle-aged man. He holds the signature red slit eyes. Is bold and has a bushy white mustache.

"That. Is. One. Ugly. Mustache!" Issei exclaims out, pointing at the man's "Shave it a bit dude! Looks like it's about to eat your entire face!" "Ehehe," Koneko lets out a quiet giggle by the comment while their opponent looks far from amuse and set his sight at the Hyoudou, glaring furiously.

"You insolent fool!" Danut shouts and unleashes his mana. Red explosive aura implodes and sends the rocks flying away while the ground cracks. Koneko and Issei turn serious then get to their stance, eyeing closely at the opponent. The Captain swing the hammer back then unexpectedly launch it toward Issei in blazing speed. Reaching behind, he pulls down a chain and disappears in pure speed.

Issei thrust the gauntlet forward to discharge a dragon shot to the incoming weapons. "W-what?!" he shouts in shock when the blasts envelopes the hammer but don't stop it. Instead, the massive weapon cuts through the blast and heads straight to him. The hammer smash square in the Hyoudou's chest which have him vomits out air and blood before crashing to the ground with the weapon pinning him down.

"Issei!" Koneko shouts in concern and about to rush forward until a magic signature appears from behind. "Your turn, little girl!" the Captain shouts and the chain ensnarl around the Rook from above, wrapping tightly around her midsection. "Up you go!" the man yells while laughing, pulling the chain which sends Koneko to the air "AND DOWN!" Koneko gasp at the sudden tightness on her stomach before sending blasting to the ground viciously.

A noise of explosion boom and clouds of dust appears at the crash site. Danut holds a big smirk on his face and tightens the grip on the chains then pulls. "Uh?" he blinks in surprise when noticing how light it has become and merging from the smoke is nothing but a broken and shorten chains. A large silhouette suddenly appears in the brown cloud and exploding out of it is a massive boulder speeding toward the armored man.

Planting his feet firmly on the ground, the Captain roars and thrust his right arm forward to the boulder, obliterating it to smithereens with a punch. But, he is greeted with a shock when seeing Koneko heading toward him in midair, hiding behind the boulder the whole time. Extending her right feet, the Rook delivers a brutal kick square on the face that sends the man blasting away, barreling through the earth.

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