Chapter - 58 (Epilogue)

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I looked at the stage where there was the law chief and the head agent, Agent Wilson, standing.

I was currently in the Annual Law Award Ceremony of this year. It was one of the big ceremony that took place provetly where the top 10 agents were given awards for their hard work and bravery.

The ceremony was only consisted with secret agents, F.B.I. officers and police officers and their family. It was a private ceremony because the agents names were not suppose to be disclosed for safety. Each agents were only allowed to bring one guests as it was dangerous to bring more people in.

I looked beside my seat which I reserved for Ty and it was empty. Ty wasn't beside me today.

I sighed.

It had been a year of our marriage. The mission involving the school and drug dealers was finished long ago. As time went by, I got busy with other cases and Ty, well, he got promotion and became the principal of the school. We began to get busy as time went by and now, we weren't not even spending enough time with each other.

I would go home late from work or would be away from home for days to finish missions. Ty would be constantly busy in working with school conferences. I didn't blame him though. It was his dream to do something for students and being a principal, he was able to make new rules that would benefit students.

However, I did felt lonely and upset. But he wasn't the only person to blame. I was doing the same thing. We would stay the night together and the as soon as morning would come, we would walk in our different professional paths. And today, it was a ceremony and he was expected to come with me but he told me he was busy.

I bit lip and shook my head. It felt like we were both pulling apart slowly.

I heard a chores of clap as the law chief said his speech. I wasn't paying much attention to it though. Apparently, he was calling out the names of the top 10 agents to give them award but my mind was focused in the memories Ty and I shared in the beginning of out marriage when life wasn't as busy as today.

I gasped as I heard my name suddenly from the loud speaker.

I looked at the stage and heard the law chief saying again, "Agent Jade, please come to the stage to receive your award for being in the rank 5 in our top Agent list."

I sat on my seat. Shocked.

Rank 5?

Wow! That was unbelievable.

"Agent Jade," the law chief again called out.

I sprint out of my chair and made my way towards the stage. My mind was filled with joy.

I went to the stage and saw Agent Wilson smiling at me. He handed me a golden troffee and as I lowered my head, he slipped a medal down my neck.


I looked at Agent Winson and smiled. "Thank you."

I looked down the stage and saw the seat beside me which was empty. If Ty had came today with me then he could have seen me receiving this honour.

I sadly smiled at the law chief and got down the stage.

The law chief announced the other top Agents name as one by one those agents received their honours.

"I have a few more announcements to make," the law chief said.

I looked a the law chief.

"Our agents, especially our top agents are working extremely hard. Our top ten agents have been working with us for more than 5 years now and they never took a break from a job like this where everyday agents go through dangerous situation and deals with them," the law chief said. "Therefore, today, I am making an announcement that all the top ten agents are going to receive 2 years holiday."

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