Chapter - 44

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I stood there shocked as Ty turned around and saw me. He looked shocked as well.

"Jess . . ." he said.

"Who was that guy who you were talking to?" I asked.

I was feeling upset and angry.

He was talking to Marc Scarlotti. Sure, I didn't know what they were talking about but from the tone of his voice, I could sense an anger from Ty.

Who was Marc Scarlotti?

Was it the same man that John had talked about?

And if it was why didn't Ty told me that he knew him?!


"No," I pulled away from Ty as he began to take steps closer to me. I looked at him and said, "Who is Marc Scarlotti? I don't know what you were talking with him, but is he a gangster?"

Ty's eyes wided.

"John today told me about his boss and you know what?" I said, angrily, as I looked at Ty. "John's boss's name is also Marc Scarlotti!"

Ty looked down to his hand.

"If only first name or the last name of that person is same as the guy you were talking to, I wouldn't ask you about this," I said. "But in this case, the guy you were talking to, Ty, his first name and last name both matches the guy who John had talked about."

Ty didn't look at me, neither he was talking.

"Ty, I want an answer," I said. "Who is Marc? Is he the same person that you were talking to just now and John's boss as well?"

Ty looked at me. "Jess, maybe we should talk about this when we get home-"

"No!" I said.

I was angry. Why wasn't he telling be about Marc? What was there to hid from me when I was his wife?!

"I am not moving from here,"I said, angrily. "Ty, you know how much it means to me to know about Marc! You know how much this case is important to me! And you are still hiding everything from me about him!"

Ty looked at me and sighed. "It is not what you think it is. Jess, you have to understand-"

"Understand what, Ty?! You are not explaining yourself to me!"I yelled.

Ty looked at me in shock because of the way I yelled.

"Jess," he took a step closer to me. "You need to trust me."

I stared at Ty.

The cloud in rhe sky was turning grey. It was going to rain soon.

"I won't do anything to ever hurt you," he whispered as me stood closer to me.

I shook my head. "I still want to know about Marc. Is he the same guy as John's boss? Do you know him?"

Ty looked down in ashamed and nodded.

I stared at him in shock.

Soon the rain began to drop from the sky, but none of us cared. We just stood on the parking lot.

"You know Marc?" I asked. I could feel my chest tightened.

Please no . . .

I didn't wanted to hear the bitter truth . . .

"I know Marc since highschool," Ty said, looking down. He wasn't looking at me at all. "We were friends in high school."

"And you still have connections with him," I  said, hoping whatever he was saying was a lie. But I knew it wasn't. It was too hard to bear the truth.

"I do," he said. "And there are reasons behind it."

"Did you . . . . work for him?" I asked.

"Y . . . yeah," he said softly.

That made my knees weaken. My chest was tightening so much that if felt like my heart was going to burst. A tear rolled down my eyes.

So, Ty was working from Marc? He was working for a criminal?

"Jess -" he said as he tried to put him arms around me but I pulled away from him.

"You were working for a criminal, Ty!" I yelled as I felt like my heart was ripping into pieces. Tears were rolling down my eyes.

Why . . .

Why did it have to be Ty?!

"I had reasons! I can explain -"

"Just what am I going to tell the law department, Ty?!" I yelled, not caring that he was watching my tears draining down my eyes with the rain water.

Ty didn't say anything. He just stood there and looked down.

"Am I going to tell the law department that my own husband is a criminal himself? And that I am his wife?" I asked, furiously.

As much as I was angry at him, more that that, my heart was breaking. I didn't know how to hold onto my tears. I wanted to cry out.

I was an agent. Dealing with laws and criminals was my job. Even if the criminal was somebody close to me.

But . . .

I was also a wife of somebody. I was wife of Tyran Patel. I was suppose to stay by his side all the time.

But . . .

In a situation like this, who should I support? Who should I choose?

It was the first time in my life, I felt myself getting torn between my work and personal life.

People say that we should always put our work and personal life separate.

But in this case . . .

I was going to be forced to choose one . . .

Ty or my career . . .

I began to step back. I couldn't think straight anymore. I wanted to run away and hid somewhere. I wanted to run away from this situation where I had to choose between love and responsibilities.

Ty watched me parting away from him as he screamed, "Jess, wait! Listen to me!"

I didn't. I began to run. I didn't wanted to see Ty. Especially now when my heart wanted to trust him but my brain wanted to part away from him.

I didn't know how to solve this problem.

No matter how hard I was trying, my feet wouldn't stop. My body wasn't listening to me, anymore. My legs were dashing. I didn't look back. I keep running . . . hoping to get away from Ty . . . to get away from my career . . . hopeing to get away from this entire things because I didn't know what to choose. I didn't know how to choose between my love of my life and my dream career!


Assalamualikum and hello!

How are you?

I know with this chapter, I probably made most of you guys upset or angry, and I am sorry about it, but think about it a logical way. Every couple have fights and there is always storms and heartbreaks in every love story. However, I can promise you that this fight will eventually bring Ty and Jess closer.

I can promise you that much. And I am almost 80% sure that you will love the way they makeup. So, please keep in reading and I will try hard to make it more interesting to entertain you.

Thank you a lot and have a nice day!


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