💍⚡Chapter - 29⚡💍

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Ty stared at me in shock. I had explained him so far about the case and what happened with his mom and why I married him. I haven't reached to the part that I was his student in disguise yet, but Ty looked pretty confused and surprised.

"Ty?" I said, as I was still sitting on the road and the rain was still dripping.

Both of our clothes were wet but he wasn't speaking.

"Hey . . ." I was getting scared now. His face wasn't showing any expression.

"So," Ty said as he looked at me. "You are an agent, a secret agent in a mission to find out about the drug dealers and the people who are behind kidnapping the students?"

I nodded. Yes, I had told him about the case. That was the only way to make him believe my points.

Ty paused for a few minutes and then he looked down. "And mom asked you to marry me because she wanted you to guard me?"

I nodded.

He looked hurt. "I am sorry," he said as he took my hand on his. "If I knew you felt pressure in marrying me then . . . I wouldn't have never asked you to marry me, I mean . . . marriage is not a game. It is something that you choose do for a lifetime and I . . ."

"Sshh . . ." I whispered as I put my finger on his lips.

Ty looked at me. His eyes were filled with so much hurt and emotions. "I am sorry," he said softly.

I shook my head. "Sorry? For what? Yes, I didn't want to do this marriage because of my past but Ty, I don't regret it."

Ty looked surprised.

"Your mom was concerned about you. Every parents wants their child to be safe-"

"But that doesn't mean that putting pressure on a perosn to marry me like this," he said. "Yes, I hate violence and I didn't want to get married with any woman who is related to law because I was fade up with dad and mom's overprotectiveness, but that doesn't mean that my parents needed to pressure you to marry me."

I listened to him. My mind was set in his one point. So, he didn't like woman who was working for laws?

Did that mean that now Ty would stay away from me?

I felt my chest heaved. I didn't want that to happen. Two months staying with him was enough for me to get used to him. I didn't wanted to loose the warmth that I felt living with Ty.

Ty was still talking. "Honestly, I can't believe mom and dad thought I need protection. I have leaned karate since I was in highschool. I can defend myself pretty well."

I looked at him shocked. "What? But I thought you didn't like violence-"

"Yes, I don't like violence but there is a difference between violence and protection. I learned karate to protect myself from dad's enemies and I just never bother to tell my parents about it because my parents were always busy," he said.

I nodded.

So, he didn't need me to protect him anymore. That was the main part of the marriage.

So, now what? This marriage had no values to him?

I felt my eyes getting watery. I never cried this often and I knew I was stronger than this but I couldn't hold my tears.

Ty made me so weak and vulnerable. I just couldn't have the emotionless face infront of him.

"Jess?" he asked, noticing my tears. He was going to cup my cheeks when I pulled away from his hands and looked away.

Darn it!

Why couldn't the stupid tears just stop running already?!

"Jess, what's wrong . . ."

"Do you . . ." I noticed my voice cracking. "regreat marrying me?"

Ty paused.

There was no answer.

I could feel my heart breaking into pieces. I bit my lips to stop my crying voice to come out. It was embarrassing to break down infront of Ty. I didn't wanted Ty to see me this vulnerable.

I felt my lips bleeding as I let the tears slide down my eyes.

Ty slowly put his arms on my cheeks, cupping my cheeks as he tilted my cheeks to make me look at him.

My eyes were watery and my tears were running out of my eyes.

"Is this what you are thinking?" he asked.

I didn't say anything. I put his arms away from me and burst into tears.

I felt his arms circling around my body to pull me closer. I tried pushing his arms away and running away from him, but he was holding me closer, so close to his chest.

"Idiot!" Ty scolded.

I kept sobbing on his chest, holding onto his shirt as I sobbed.

"I was being a jerk offering you money to marry me but after I got to know that you are my childhood friend . . ." he paused as his hand rubbed on my back to calm me a bit. "I don't regreat marrying. Not even a bit. Rather, I am grateful and thankful to Allah for let me have you in my life again."

I pulled away from his chest and looked at me. "Really?"

Ty smiled. "Yes, I am not loosing you over a stupid case or your career."

I smiled and whipped my tears. The rain was less now, but still dripping.

"But is that all the secret? Or," he hesitated. "You have more to say."

Ohh that . . .

I nodded.

I should tell Ty.

"I have one more thing to tell you. An important one," I said as I looked at Ty.

"Go on. Tell me," he said.

"Well . . ."

How would I say this?

"I am kind of your . . . student," I said.

Assalamualikum and hello!

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I tried to update yesterday but I couldn't. I was busy so I will be doing a double update today. Hope you guys like the story so far and thank you so kuch for supporting me.

I read your comments yesterday and I felt really happy. Thank you a lot and I hope you will continue to comment on the chapter because I always love reading your comments and knowing your oppinions. Thank you so much.


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