Chapter - 43

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I waited for John to speak.

"Speak! Tell me why is the library always the target?" I asked.

"Library . . . we have a secret passage in the library," he said as I look at him in shock. "Our drug factory, it is just under the library. There is a secret passage under the library."

"Where in the library?" I asked.

"Behind the book self that is near the wall. If you tap in the wall 3 times, the door that is painted like the wall opens and you can go inside the passage and you will find the drug factory. There are illegal drugs and kidnapped students who we train to work for our illegal drug factories," John explained.

"And your boss?"

"I work under Marc Scarlotti," he said.

"Marc Scarlotti? Italian?"

"Yes, he is one of the most famous drug dealers. He have hundreds of illegal drug companies who work for him and do illegal drug dealing around the globe," John said.

I nodded as I moved away from John.

Marc Scarlotti, huh?

I had to search him in criminal record.

"So, since now I told you, does that mean that my sister is going to be okay?" I heard John asking.

I smiled as I pealed off my gloves. "What sister? I never kidnapped anybody's sister and neither did I even saw your sister in my life."

John looked at me in shock.

"You see, your sister is alright and is not with me. I just used your weakness to trick you into tell me," I smirk as I saw John pissed.

"How could you do that?!"

"What?" I said, innocently. "Did you seriously thought that only you could play dirty?"

John shook his head.

"Thanks for the help though," I smirk and got out off the cell.

The two police officers locked the door as Inspector Ian came to my side.

"Agent Jade," he smiled. "That was awesome."

I smiked back af him. "Thank you, Inspector Ian. But I need you to check on the gangster name in the police record."

"I will, Agent Jade," he said. "We are one step ahead of our goal now."

"We are, and I also need you to go to the library and open the secret passage and take that area under police control," I said as we began to walk out of the prison area. "If it is a factory then that means there are still some people there who are working for illegal drug. those people need to be prisoned."

"Yes, agent Jade," he nodded.

Once we came out of the prison section, I took out my onion and noticed a bunch of missed phone calls from Ty.

I checked the time.

Crap! It was past 2 hours and I forgot to text him say I was okay. I hope he didn't get angry.

"Inspector Ian," I said to him. "I will talk to you later."

"Have a nice day, agent Jade," he said as he left.

I checked on my message box where I found so many text from Ty.

I checked on my message box where I found so many text from Ty

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My eyes wided. So, Ty was int he parking lot now?

I quickly rushed out of the police station and made my way towards the parking lot.

From far, I spotted Ty's car. I made my way towards Ty's car and saw him standing outside of his car, turning his back from me
He was holding a phone and talking.

As I went near him, I heard him speaking.

I didn't know who he was talking to but he looked angry. Furthermore, he wasn't talking in English. He was talking in Italian. There were nobody int he parking lot expect us, so I stood still and waited for him to finish talking.

Ty was speaking very rudely. I noticed how much of an anger tone when was using. He was literally yelling.

I wonder who he was talking to that he was using such harsh tone.

"Maledizione! Non osare. . ." I heard him yelling. [Translation: "Damn it, don't you dare ..."]

I tried to understand what he was speaking, but as I wasn't Italian, I didn't understand anything.

This was the first time, I was realizing how distant I was from Ty. Even though we both grew up here, a part of our backgrounds are different. He knew so much more than me. Being a half English woman, I only knew English but he knew Italian, something that I couldn't speak.

It was cool but, it did made me feel a bit distant from his world. I didn't like the distance though. It would be much better if I knew his world more, if I knew what he was talking about . . . or why he sounded so rude and . . . worried?

"Jasmin è mia moglie!" I heard him yelling, slamming his fist on the car. [Translation: "Jasmin is my wife!"]

I flinched. Ty was talking about me? But why was he that angry?

And who was he talking to about me?

"Significa tutto per me. Non ti lascerò fare la stessa cosa che hai fatto a me e mia mamma!" He yelled. [Translation:
"She means everything to me, I will not let you do the same thing you did to me and my mom!"]

His eyes were cold again. I had to know who he was talking to.

"Se tocchi a mia moglie, Marc, non ti lascio illeso," he said. [Translation: "If you touch my wife, Marc, I will not leave you unharmed,"]

Marc . . .?

"Lei è mia e se la vedo farsi male, farò in modo di ripagarti con 1000 volte peggio, Marc Scarlotti!" he said as he hung the phone. [ Translation:  "She is mine and if I see her getting hurt, I will repay you 1000 times worse, Marc Scarlotti!"]

I was shocked.

Marc Scarlotti?

Is he the same guy who was John's boss? And if he is then . . .

I stared at Ty in shock.

How does Ty know Marc Scarlotti? What was their relationship?

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