⚡💍Chapter - 2💍⚡

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I kicked open my room door and stormed inside my room. I hit my fist on the table as I sighed.

This was crazy!

How could my parents do that?!

Like me getting married? It was so dumb!

I heard a knock on the door.

"Sweetheart?" I heard dad saying.

I sighed and sat on my bed.

Dad came inside my room and sat beside me.


"Dad, how could you do this?!" I yelled as I looked at my dad. "You know, I hate marriages and I hate anything to do with love and relationships-"

"Jess, honey-"

"This is crazy, dad. Marriages are not my thing-"

"Jasmin Fernandez Patel!" I heard Dad yelling, using my full name.

I looked at my dad. He was angry and so was I, but I kept quiet and let him talk.

Dad sighed. "Jess, sweetheart, I know you are not happy with this decision so let me talk for few minutes and if you still think that what I did is bad then we can cancel it."

I looked at dad.

"Jess, since you are small, I let you do everything. You wanted to learn self defence since you were in grade 5 and I let you learn it. You played prank on boys and I even helped you in that," he said. "I did everything that would make you happy. Even when you graduate highschool, and you decided to study law and become an agent, I even agreed to that. It is not fun for me and your mom to stay home and worry for you 24 hours when we know that you are fighting with criminals and a saving peoples' lives."

I shook my head.

"Don't you think we know how much of a risk your career path is? You can get hurt or injured or even -" his voice lowered.

"Dad," I said softly.

I didn't know he was that worried about me.

"Even after all these things, we let you so your career job. Your mom and I just want you to be happy. There wasn't a single day where we didn't pray to Allah (S.W.T) and asked you to be happy, Jess," he said as he got off the bed and went near the window.

I kept looking at dad.

"But, don't you think we have some dreams?" dad asked as he looked at me. "You are 30 years old, Jess. People in that age usually have kids or family but look at you . . . You don't even have that feeling that maybe one day you want to have a family. I get it that generation changes and now a day people value their careers more than their families but your mom and I do want to see you one day marrying a guy and be happy."

"Dad, I am happy. I have you, sis and mom," I said as I looked at dad. "I don't need another person in my life."

"But what will happen when one day, we won't be with you," he said as my eyes wided. "I get it that you can take care of your self but won't you be lonely? Will you not want a shoulder where you can cry when you are sad? Will you not want somebody to share your happiness with?"

I looked at dad. I had never thought of this.

"Jess," he said as he made his way to me and held my hands. "Marriage doesn't mean only going to honeymoon and popping out babies. It means to find your other half. It means to share your feeling with a person. It means to share pain and happiness with eachother."

"But dad," I said. "I know I am selfish and that you let me do whatever I want with my life. But you could ask me something else for you, but why marriage? And why me? Like there are other girls that you can tell to get married -"

"I only care about you because you are my daughter, Jasmin. You are already 30 and Your mom and I have decided to finally tell you to get married," he said.

I sighed. "So, who am I marrying? A random guy that I have never seen and just get marrying with him?"

"Oh, no, no," he said as he took a seat beside me. "You know, dating is forbidden before marriage but we do believe that you need to know him enough to marry him. So, I am planning to send you in a coffee shop to meet him. His dad and your sister will be with you so it's not seriously a date, you know?"

I nodded. Seamed like my parents were serious about this stupid marriage.

"Honey, I don't want you to marry somebody you don't like. Meet the guy and if you don't like then, we look for another guy. There is no pressure but I want you to get marry now. It is not a demand but a request," he said. "I did everything to make you happy, Jess. Can't you get married to make us happy?"

I stared at dad. He was right. I had seen him making so much sacrifices for me. Even when I would do mistakes, he never hit me or scolded me, instead, he made me realize my mistakes. Even the times when I kicked some boys for fun, and when the boys came back to hurt me, dad took care of that. He always have been a perfect dad and all these time, I never thought of what would made them happy.

Now that I know that their happiness was in my marriage, how could I deny that?

I took a deap breath and said, "Dad, I will get married."

Dad looked at me, happily. "My friend would be so happy."


"Yes, my friend has a son who is also 30 years old and he is not married. Like he is allergic to things that involve romance-"

"Really?" I said excitedly.

Dad snorted.

I sighed.

"So, my friend want him to get married to you since you both are 30 and it is easy to marry in same age since you might understand eachother better," dad said.

"Oh, okay," I said.

"His name is Tyran. He is a nice guy and he is a highschool teacher."

"So, I am marrying a nerd?"

Dad looked at me and sighed. "I am pretty sure you call those people intelligent, not nerd, and he is actually very cool. I think you will like him. What about you meeting Tyran tomorrow?"

"Sure. Just get it over with it."

"Honey, marriage is not something you should try to get it over with it -" he sighed as he saw me playing with my hijab. "Tomorrow then."

"Yes,"I said as he left the room.

I sighed as I laid on the bed

So, a blind sort of date tomorrow then.

What a day!

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