Chapter - 26

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I looked at the white board in the Police camber and sighed. There were so many clues but no solution.

Inspector Ròse kept writting the clues on the white board.

The clues were:

1. 11 inch shoe print which was muddy

2. Inspector Ian's neck mark

3. Inspector Ian not firing the warning shot and then going alone to look for the culprit, instead of taking Inspector Ròse with him

I sighed. All of there were pointing at Inspector Ian but the clues qere just not getting connected.

"Agent Jade," Inspector Ròse said. "Looking at these clues from you, are you . . ."

"I am doubting Inspector Ian," I said.

Her eyes wided. "But, he is a police officer."

"He might be," I said. "But, I have been finding his actions way too suspicious."

She nodded and sat on the chair.

I remembered about the forest incident and looked at her. "Did you got the DNA tested for the blood sample that you found on the forest?" I asked her.

She nodded. "The forensic lab should fax us the report by now-"

She didn't even finished her sentence and noticed the printer was printing out a paper.

"There it is," she said as she went near the printer and pulled out the report.

I watched her reading the report and when she finished reading the report, she was shocked.

"Inspector Ròse?" I said.

"This isn't possible," she said as she looked confused and worried.

I went near her and took the paper in my hand. As I read the report, I was feeling confused as well.

The report stated that the blood sample didn't had any trace of DNA. But, how was that possible?

Every blood sample had DNA.

"I don't get it," she said. "I did took the blood sample correctly then why . . . ?"

I was confused too.

I sat down on the chair and tried to think about it. Blood without DNA. That's not possible, then how . . .

My mind clicked into something.

Unless . . .

My eyes wided. Not that couldn't be . . .

But that's the only way it had to be correct.

"Agent Jade?" she looked at the confusingly.

"Inspector Ròse," I said as I looked at her. "This might sound crazy but have you heard of artificial blood?"

"Artifical blood-" she gasped in shock. "You mean . . . ?"

"Yes," I said. "This blood is artificial blood. Now I am getting the scenario."

"What do you mean, Agent Jade?"

"Today, when you found a man in the wood, you tried to chase the man. Inspector Ian was with the man. When he noticed that you were looking for him, he purposely shoot in the air, to distract you. Meanwhile, the other man somehow managed to drop some artificial blood on the forest so that Inspector Ian can tell you that he shot the man and that he is chassing him. Then he told you to leave for your safty while he could chase the man and he took advantage of that and escaped with the man," I explained her the theory.

She looked at me in shock. "You think, he would do such a thing?" she asked. "I mean, I did noticed some changes in his behaviour but still, you might be wrong."

"I might be wrong, but it makes sense."

"I get it, but why would Inspector Ian do such thing!" she said. "He is an honest police officer. I have worked with him for a long time now."

I nodded. "I get it. But . . ." I looked at the board again and looked at the clues.

For some reason the mark in the neck seamed oddly familier. It was like I had dealt with another case in the past where I had seen the mark.

But what was the mark about.

I tried to think more, and suddenly I realized where I had seen the mark.

That's right.

I had seen the mark in a case that happened in a hospital. A criminal did a plastic surgery of his face to hide his identity and that criminal had a mark in his neck too.

Usually, when a plastic surgery happens, it takes a while for the mark on the neck to disappear.

But . . . with Inspector Ian . . .

Why would he do a surgery of his own face and keep it the same face? What was the point in that?

Unless . . .

I gasp in shock.

Unless, he was an . . . imposter . . .

"Agent Jade?"

I looked at Inspector Ròse and said, " Inspector Ròse, I have a question. What difference do you notice in Inspector In a from now and before?"

She hesitated. "Well before, he would always talk about his family in free time and he would helping me with different things is personal life as well. But now, he barely talks about his family, I mean, he barely even talk to me."

I nodded. "It makes sense now."

"What you mean, Agent Jade?"

I looked at her and said, "The guy who we know right now as Inspector Ian is actually an imposter. He is not Inspector Ian, rather, he did a plastic surgery of his own face and disguised himself as Inspector Ian."

She gasped in shock. "What . . . ?"

"I know it is a crazy theory," I said, knowing how serious this issue was. "However, this theory is true."

She listened to me as I continued.

I got off the chair and looked at the white board where the clues were written.

"A person with an 11 inch foot," I said. "When I first saw Inspector Ian, his foot looked like a size 9, not side 11 inch."

She slowly nodded. "Yes, I have noticed it too that his shoes seamed bigger. That meant that the person sneeked into the library from the window was the importer who is disguising himself as Inspector Ian," she said.

"Yes," I agreed. "This is even more dipper case than what we thought before, Inspector Ròse."

She nodded.

"It was clear that he disguised as Inspector Ian to be with us and know more about the case, so he could fail us in the case," I explained. But, it did felt like not everything was clear yet.

I think most things make sense now about the confusion about Inspector Ian. However . . .

I remebered the main objective of the case.

The students were getting missing everytime they would go to the library. What could be so secrative there?

Furthermore, what was the imposter, who was disguised himself as Inspector Ian, doing in the forest with that man?

And . . .

If the imposter was here then where was real Inspector Ian?

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