Chapter - 14

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I flipped over the bed again.


Why could't I sleep yet?!

I slapped my cheeks.

"It's okay. Calm down, Jess," I said to myself to calm myself. "It's my fault that I didn't realize that Tyran was the same guy as my childhood friend but it's okay now . . ." I said to myself again trying to calm down.

But was it working?

Definetly not!

It felt like a huge stone was on my chest, blocking everything else from my thoughts, except the thought of what Tyran talked about earlier.

I didn't know if I should tell him the truth or not. I mean . . .

I sighed as I realized how much things I have been hiding from Tyran.

I was hiding that I was an Agent, who work towards the law and invested cases. I was hiding my other identity that he had no clue off.

I was hiding that I was going to be his students in a week when the school will start.

I was hiding that I was responsible to whag happened to his mom. Would he ever forgive me if he knew about that?

Moreover, I was hiding from him that I was his childhood friend . . .

His first love . . .

I sighed as I flipped my head on the bed. It was four big things that I was hiding from him. It's not right but . . . I couldn't tell him everything.

Not yet.

I couldn't tell him that I was an Agent. He would hate me and . . . memories of what Agent Wilson told me came to my mind.

"This case is not like other cases that we have solve before. Most police officers gave up in this case because the momment they took this case in their hand, their family was attacked."

I sighed as I flipped over. I remembered again what Agent Wilson said.

Sharing the information about this case will lead to have danger in those people's lives

I hugged my pillow as my messy hair fall all over my shoulder. I couldn't tell Tyran about the case. Nor could I tell Tyran that I was an Agent. The least I could do was to have his life in danger.

Especially, after knowing that he was my childhood friend, I couldn't do something stupid to have him in danger.

But, this wasn't right? Was it?

Hiding things from one's husband? Or one's . . . childhood friend . . . this wasn't just right.

What was I going to do?

I flipped over the bed and noticed the clock and noticed that it was already Fajr time. I got off the bed and noticed that the pain on my feet was much less. I went to the washroom slowly and  did my ablusion and then came out of the washroom and put the prayer matt on the floor and started to do my Fajr prayer.

I finished my prayer and raised my hand to make dua. My mind was filkied woth so much confusion.

"Allah (S.W.T.), You are the most powerful. You are the most knowledgeable. Allah (S.W.T.), you know every single thing. My mind is fillied with so much confusions. Allah (S.W.T.), please guide me in the right path," I prayed. "The guy who I met 21 years ago is the same guy that I got married to. Is this all fate and . . . destiny? If it is then, I don't know how to behave around him. Am I suppose to tell him my deepest secret? Am I supoose to tell him that I am the same girl that he once was in love with? I don't know, Allah (S.W.T.). Please, guide me to the right path."

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